Reign of Amira™: The Lost Kingdom - Android Gameplay (OFFLINE) (With Link) 608MB+

2 years ago

The Androa Kingdom has been overwhelmed by evil forces and Amira has accepted the challenge of her father to unify and restore the land to peace. She must battle her way through five different lands and defeat hordes of vicious enemies. Throughout her journey Amira can also capture and harness the powers of the ancient artifacts known as the magical crests to unleash devastating attacks on anything that stands before her. Embark on an epic quest to help Amira reclaim her lost kingdom.

Download Link:

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Note: Requires a Snapdragon 600 and above processor (

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Install APK, place data folder in Internal Storage or SDcard/Android/obb/ and play.

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This video is for educational purposes only and use some copyright content.

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