Elsie Oakensen talks about her UFO encounter and alien abduction experience, Northamptonshire, 1978

1 year ago

On the 22nd November 1978, 50 year old school teacher Elsie Oakensen left her office around 5:15pm and prepared for the usual journey home. This roughly 15 minute journey took her out of Daventry on the A45 and on to the busy A5, before heading on to some country roads to reach her home village of Church Stowe. As with any other day, there was no reason to suspect that the journey home was going to be anything other than routine.

Approximately two miles before her home village of Church Stowe, while driving along the A5, Elsie noticed a large, dull grey, smooth and silent dumbbell-shaped object hanging around 100-150ft over the busy road. There were two bright lights on the object, a red light in the left sphere and a green light in the right sphere. Elsie’s immediate impression was that this was some strange plane about to crash, although it quickly became apparent that the object was stationary in the sky. It was an odd, bizarre sight and though Elsie felt compelled to stop the car she resisted, fearing that she might cause a commotion on the busy road. Instead, she carried on with her journey, travelling directly underneath the object and moving on towards the turn-off to Church Stowe.

However, with her mind still dwelling on the strange craft, she found a safe vantage point after she left the A5 and looked back towards the object. She was relieved to see the craft still hanging in the sky, in exactly the same position, although the green light she had noticed earlier was now flashing. Continuing on her journey, Elsie reached the outskirts of her home village but it was at this point the car began to lose power. (Almost comically, her immediate thoughts turned to the quality of the work of the garage where her car had been serviced earlier on that day.) Managing to briefly coax her car back to life, Elsie carried on.

Not long after the car cut out completely and she was plunged into an unnatural darkness. Although it was a late afternoon night in November, it was as though all of the gloomy natural light had been replaced by blackness. It was so dark, Elsie was unable to distinguish any outlines of the familiar buildings on the outskirts of the village. She tried in vain to restart her car as before but this time turning over the ignition achieved nothing.

A few moments later, a large pool of brilliant white light snapped on and illuminated a patch of road near to the car. This illumination was only momentary however as seconds later it completely vanished. But the mysterious light was soon followed by another at the front of the car, then another at the back and finally at the sides. The light or lights then began switching on and off, almost as though following some kind of sequence. Elsie recalled the effect of the lights as being similar to searchlights and considered that the pools of light might have been looking for something/someone. However, these were no ordinary searchlights because there was no accompanying beam.

Next thing Elsie Oakensen consciously recalled was that she was approximately thirty yards further down the road, driving through Church Stowe and on towards her home…

When she pulled into the drive she noted that the kitchen light was on, indicating that her husband John (a policeman) was at home and preparing the evening meal. When Elsie got inside she remarked to John that he wasn’t going to believe the story she had to tell him, before running upstairs and looking out of a bedroom window to see if she could catch a final glimpse of whatever it was that had been out there.

Instantly Elsie knew something odd had occurred, a feeling further reinforced when she glanced at her watch and realised that her routine 15 minute journey home had actually taken over 30 minutes.

During the following day at work (which for Elsie was the Daventry Teacher Training Centre) she happened to remark to a number of her colleagues about the strange events. One of the younger people there indicated that she may have seen a UFO and that she needed to report it to someone. Elsie was totally unfamiliar with the term (in fact, she was unfamiliar with the whole field of UFOlogy, an important ingredient in this case) but she was soon to have her baptism by fire. Her credibility as an eyewitness saw the news of her experience spread quickly and on Friday 24th, the Oakensen case featured in the Northamptonshire Chronicle and Echo.
(Continue reading: http://cabinetofshadows.blogspot.com/2014/03/ufo-case-elsie-oakensen-nr-daventry.html).


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