Essenes Extra Terrestrial Contact. The Ultimate Secret, Ascension to Alien Paradise City

1 year ago

Essenes Extra Terrestrial Contact. The Ultimate Secret, Ascension to Alien Paradise City
Dead Sea Scroll 1QM Tells of Humans Being abducted by Celestial E.T Beings?
Forbidden Teachings of the Essenes
The Ultimate Secret of Ascension
You are watching a Preview of Gaia’s Original Series Ascension Keepers - Presented by William Henry
Passages from the Dead Seas Scrolls tell of humans being abducted by benevolent alien beings. But what if they traveled, not by spaceship, but through a portal taking them into the celestial realms as beings of light?
This may be the ultimate Secret of Ascension. William Henry takes us deeper into the Forbidden Teachings of the Essenes who describe the ascension process with the zcelestial Chariot, the Mystery of the Merkabah, and Celestial Chariots to Sion.
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