Lemon or Kaffir Lime Pepper

2 years ago

Lemon or Kaffir Lime Pepper

In this video I show how I make both lemon pepper and kaffir lime pepper. Kaffir limes are a bit smaller than lemons so I used 5 limes in the video. You make it the exact same way as lemon pepper only with lemons you use 4. Like I said the process is the same. I even made orange pepper. That one pairs nicely with my violet or wisteria vinaigrette. It will also work well with roasted pumpkin soup. Here’s how it’s made in a quick description.

Peel the zest from the citrus you’re using and dehydrate it at 90 degrees F. Once it’s good and dry set it to the side and run ½ cup of pepper corns through a coffee grinder or blender. Then add the dehydrate zest a little at a time until it’s a powder then seal it in a jar for later use. The intensity will surprise you. I use the kaffir lime pepper when I marinate a steak. It really shines with seafood however.

dehydrated zest of five Kaffir Limes
½ cup black pepper corns

Having items like this in your food storage is always a good idea. People have been known to starve rather than eat the same thing for the hundredth time.

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