funny scares

2 years ago

Videos of people being scared are some of the funniest things to watch on the internet. Whether it's a prank gone wrong, or someone getting spooked by their own reflection, these videos never fail to bring a smile to viewers' faces.

One particularly funny scare video is when someone accidentally scares themselves in an unexpected way. For example, there was one person who thought they were alone in their room and jumped out from behind their bed only to see that they had been scaring themselves in the mirror all along! It's moments like this that make for great viewing and provide hours of entertainment for those watching online.

Another type of funny scare video involves pranks between friends or family members where one person pretends something scary has happened just as another unsuspecting individual walks into view – often resulting in hilarious reactions! These types of videos can be especially enjoyable because you get to witness how quickly fear turns into surprise and then laughter as soon as everyone realizes what’s going on. Pranksters also enjoy seeing how far they can push others before finally revealing it was all a joke at the end!

In conclusion, funny scare videos are always entertaining no matter which kind you come across online – whether it’s someone scaring themself unintentionally or two people playing pranks on each other with hilarious results every time! Watching these clips will surely bring smiles even during difficult times so don't forget about them when looking for something fun and lighthearted too share with your friends & family

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