The Vaccine Court, How It Started, What Went Wrong

2 years ago

Host Dena Sacks interviews Wayne Rohde, author of The Vaccine Court (2014). One of Wayne's twin boys born in 1997 had a severe reaction to vaccination and developed regressive autism. This set Wayne on a journey to understand how the public could be unaware that children are suffering such harms, and what can be done about it. Vaccine legislation has immunized vaccine manufacturers, and the vaccine injury program, which was supposed to work like workers compensation has instead become adversarial, with many children never getting compensated for severe, lifelong injuries from vaccines. Never before in history has Congress or any legislature attempted to immunize an entire industry, and this is contrary to established tort law that businesses must pay for injuries caused by their products, i.e., enterprise liability. Lawsuits must be brought to challenge the laws that take the people out of the legal process in part by eliminating the judicial process for these claims and eliminating juries. US Freedom Flyers will file lawsuits challenging government practices that violate the separation of powers and democracy itself. Lawsuits will challenge laws altering the separation of powers in the federal government in particular.

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