MWII Ranked Shenanigans, Xbox & Nintendo 10 Year COD Deal! & Activision Hacked... It's Disgusting

2 years ago

#cod #modernwarfare2 #modernwarfareii #rant #mw2 #mwii #callofduty #activision #battlefield2042 #ranked #museum #season2 #killcam

YES the killcam in MWII was fixed!
So the super competitive call of duty crowd finally got ranked... (I don't give a f about ranked because we already got the best sbmm in pubs) & it's FULL of problems LOL
MWII is crasking on them causing 30 minute suspensions for disconnecting too many times recently. People are also being kicked for inactivity because they're holding a sight line which is also leading to suspensions. AND apparently cheaters are running wild over there! Leave it up to activision to give you a working anti-cheat with all that money, right? lol
Quick rant on the disgusting leaks we've heard from the hack or "breach" of Activision. And in the intro I talk about Sony holding back the Microsoft/Activision deal
COD MWII - "New map" Valderas Museum gameplay MWII rant & Battlefield 2042 gameplay

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