Be What God Has Called You to Be!

2 years ago

Let us bring our talents to the table and serve GOD one on one in prayer. Become a child of GOD and get right in repentance. Practice doing right under GOD. Spend time with GOD. Fear no one on earth but fear and have faith in GOD. I read Psalms 67 and John 5: 28-29. Don’t be marked for Hell. Debt is slavery, and we have let our political officers not be accountable to the people they are suppose to serve but have enabled them to hurt us. Let us give birth to as many children as possible and build for Jesus, his number is 888 our complete change and new beginning. Satan his number is 666, a complete separation from GOD by his Mark, so don't be marked. Call all people to GOD under the blood of Jesus as he is our Ever lasting Light who asks GOD to send the Holy Spirit to teach you. (15min.)

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