
2 years ago

We’ve celebrated our “diversity” so much that we forgot all the ways we’re really the same as Americans, bound by ideals that united a divided, headstrong group of people 250 years ago. I believe deep in my bones those ideals still exist. I’m running for President to revive them.

We’re in the midst of a national identity crisis. Faith, patriotism & family are disappearing. We embrace one secular religion after another – from wokeism to climatism – to satisfy our deeper need for meaning. Yet we cannot even answer what it means to be an American.

The GOP can fill that void. E pluribus unum: from many, one. That is the dream that won the American Revolution; that reunited us after the Civil War, that won us two World Wars & the Cold War. That is the dream that still gives hope to the world. That is American exceptionalism.

Learn more about our movement to create a new American Dream for the next generation: Vivek2024.com

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