Rise Up! Fast- Building Honor

2 years ago

Welcome to Rise Up!

Today's episode is part 4 of a mini-series entitled "Release of the Foreign Marriages." It began with being called to a forty day fast and bringing our relationships into alignment, starting with our covenant with God.

Next we looked at (part 2) “Delighting in the Lord,” and the continuation was last Sunday on Riding the Storms “Fast- Destroying Sexual Altars”- and we prayed through some of the most common struggles.

Today's Rise Up is reminding us that as we tear down these demonic altars, it's important to balance out and build up the right way to live. Why allow spirits to rebuild an altar in the place of the one just destroyed? We are going to work on honor in our relationship with God and one another.

We are going to look at our words, body language, and even eye contact in establishing honor. Let's show respect toward God and to others.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

1) The Bible; online resources: https://www.blueletterbible.org/ and https://www.biblegateway.com/ and https://www.bible.com/
2) Dangerous Prayers From The Courts of Heaven that Destroy Evil Altars: https://francismyles.com/shop/books/dangerous-prayers/

To give: https://www.kingdomlivingwithjessie.com/donations

Illuminate the Darkness gear is found here: https://illuminatethedarkness-2.creator-spring.com/

Get your "I've Got Bigger Fish to Fry Than the Anti Christ" hoodies here: https://illuminatethedarkness-2.creator-spring.com/listing/get-bigger-fish-to-fry?product=212

To keep up with Jessie and submit your questions for Rise Up!: https://www.kingdomlivingwithjessie.com/

Twitter: @czebotarjessie

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JessieCzebotar Jessie's books are available at https://amzn.to/3M9whBC

Jessie's interviews and conversations can be found on the following channels: @David Zublick Channel and @Dark Outpost Daily @The reveal report with George Iceman @Aquarius Rising Africa Ⅱ and @SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa with Chantelle Meyburgh and Morne Venter @Right on Radio CH 2 with Jeff Shepherd @Carmen Smith Studer Business Game Changers with Sarah Westall https://odysee.com/@sarahwestall:0

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