Cid STOLE The Bad Batch's Ship - She Set Them Up - Star Wars Theory

1 year ago

Cid's backstory is not extensively explored in the show, but it is hinted at through her interactions with the Bad Batch and other characters. From what we do know, it seems that Cid has a long and complicated history in the criminal underworld of the Star Wars galaxy.
It's suggested that Cid has been involved in the criminal underworld for a long time, and that she has built up a vast network of contacts and associates over the years. She is shown to be a savvy businesswoman, and she is always looking for new opportunities to expand her reach and influence.
Despite her reputation as a tough and sometimes ruthless operator, Cid has also shown a softer side at times. She is fiercely loyal to those who have earned her trust, and she has been known to help out those in need, even if it means putting herself at risk.
In her interactions with the Bad Batch, Cid is initially portrayed as a reluctant ally, wary of getting involved in their dangerous missions. However, over time, she grows to respect and even care for the members of the team, and she becomes a key source of support and guidance for them.
Overall, Cid's backstory is one of a shrewd and resourceful operator who has survived in the dangerous world of the Star Wars criminal underworld through a combination of street smarts, business acumen, and fierce loyalty to those she trusts.

in the bad batch episode 9 the crew were stranded on the planet when their ship, the marauder was stolen from them during the mission. When they called Cid for help, she refused to help them, and then said she will figure something out in a few days. Wrecker mentions they don’t have enough rations to last that long on this planet, and she hangs up. So now we see what the big guy in the pod race style episode was saying about her, was true. That she will betray them and she can’t be trusted. I don’t care what the situation is, she could have communicated better than just telling the bad batch that being stranded is their problem, not hers. I don’t like Cid. I think she’s the one who had their ship stolen and now that they ask her for help, like she’s done many times with them, she won’t help them, and if she does, they’ll never hear the end of it. I think Cid is in debt with the empire, if you remember, she mentioned that one day the empire will shut her bar down, and when they do, no more jobs for the bad batch.
I think was using the clones for her own gain, and giving them the bare minimum. She told them they owe her for docking fees, costs of supplies and all the cartons of mantell mix they eat.

Cid has shown a willingness to work with both sides of the law. While she has helped the Bad Batch in the past, she may have her own motivations and goals that could come into conflict with their objectives.

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