Free Speech + Other Dirty Words: Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine)

1 year ago

**We’re giving away two Fender Player Stratocaster® guitars, signed by Tom Morello. Link below to enter. Sweepstakes ends March 7th, 2023.**

“I think there’s only two positions on freedom of speech: You’re for it or you’re against it.”

As the lead guitarist for legendary bands like Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave, and Prophets of Rage, Tom Morello pushes the boundaries of what is possible with a guitar, blending rock, metal, punk, and hip-hop into a unique and captivating sound.

But it's not just Morello's musical talent that earns him a place in the pantheon of musical greats — he's also a passionate advocate for free speech.

“Free Speech + Other Dirty Words” is a partnership between the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) and SPIN to showcase iconic artists sharing their stories about freedom of speech, self-expression, and the barriers they crossed to avoid censorship.

Guitar sweepstakes entry info:
Join the movement for free speech:

0:00 Free Speech + Other Dirty Words
0:26 Young Tom + Childhood
1:46 The Clash + Johnny Cash + Dean of Students
5:11 RATM + Viacom + The "Shiteen"
8:34 Rage + Lolla 93 + The PMRC

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