The Best Hollow Points For a PCC? Testing Barrel Length Performance SinterFire Special Duty 9mm

2 years ago

In this video, we test the performance of SinterFire 9mm Special Duty out of both a standard pistol length barrel as well as a carbine 16” barrel to compare performance. Both loads are shot over a chrono to get velocity data, and are shot into ballistics gel for a more accurate comparison.

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Disclaimer 1: Handling of various reloading components and ammunition comes with inherent risk. Consult a reputable reloading manual for proper safety procedures, and do so at your own risk. The reloading craft and its members are not responsible for your safety, you are. The content contained herein is intended for entertainment purposes only.

Like & Subscribe Button animation courtesy of Graphics Expert on YouTube. Used with Permission.

Special thanks to @clearballistics and @sinterfire for supplying the ballistics gel used in today’s video.

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