Is The Yanuka The Antichrist? (Rabbi Shlomo Yehudah Beeri) ~ Catholic Video Lecture

2 years ago

Recorded on 12/26/2022, the first day after Christmas.
This lecture presents a lot of evidence that Rabbi Shlomo Yehudah Beeri (the Yanuka) may be the Antichrist. It also speaks of the Talmudic Jews’ belief that there will be two Messias: Moshiach ben Yosef (Messiah ben Joseph) and Moshiach ben David. The former suffers and dies and prepares the way for the latter. And the latter, Moshiach ben David, is the main Messias, the one who effects redemption and brings the everlasting kingdom. The Talmudic Jews fell into this apostasy because they refused to believe that Jesus Christ is the Messias and that it is he who fulfills both prophecies of the Messias. Jesus first came to suffer and die in order to redeem men. He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. And he will come again as the conquering King to bring the everlasting kingdom on earth. This lecture also presents evidence from many Talmudic Jews who believe that Benjamin Netanyahu is the Moshiach ben Yosef. And they say that they met the Messias ben David (the Antichrist) and thus he has already arrived but has not yet been publically declared as such. It ends with a condemnation and warning to the blasphemous, apostate, stupid, and idiotic Christian Zionists who are helping the Antichrist come to power by supporting Anti-Israel, Anti-Jerusalem, the Anti-Temple, and then the Antichrist himself. After all, to get the Antichrist, you need an Anti-Israel, Anti-Jerusalem, and an Anti-Temple.

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