Rev. 2-3. Why the world hates those who claim Christ has all authority!

1 year ago

Let Elohim be true and every man a liar Rom. 3:4.
The second coming of the Lord is at hand Rev. 22:20.
Conflict in the Bible is between the moral standards of men, the ways of men, and the moral standards of Elohim, the ways of Elohim Gen 2:17-4:12; 2 Thess. 2:1-11; Rom. 5:12-21. The subjective truth and pseudo-science of men are missing the mark (SIN) during the thousand-year reign of Christ during the first and second coming Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30; Rev. 18:4; Matt. 7:21ff. The Lord hid His face, power, glory, majesty, and Bible from humanity for over 6,000 years so that Satan could rule over men by lying to us that our moral standards, the mega sword of Satan Rev. 6:2 (denominationalism, socialism, atheism, fascism, environmentalism, etc. all.) is as good as the Sword of the Spirit.
The Sword of the Spirit is back versus the Mega Sword of Satan, in these last days or end times of Satan's rule Heb. 1:2; Rev. 5:1ff; Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21; 2 Pet. 3, etc.
Satan knows that he has but a little time and his rule will end in about 2065 AD John 12:31, 32. The sun will turn black and the moon red on the great and terrible day of the Lord - the second coming of the Lord Acts 2:17-21; 2 Pet. 3.

The Lord's Day, the day of salvation, the Lord's Sabbath, the Kingdom of Elohim, the dispensation of grace with every spiritual blessing, the good Shephard, the Prince of Peace, the King of Kings reigning, the Father of all mercies and comforts, the great wedding feast, the ways of Elohim are as high as the heavens above men's ways exceeding abundantly greater than we could have imagined Isa. 55:9; Eph. 3:20. All of this is as one day to the Lord, but to men, it is one thousand years in the Kingdom of Elohim divided into two ages Eph. 2:7, by the ways of men 2 Pet. 3:4. The first coming of the Lord or the completion of the Bible for the first age of the Kingdom was in 70 AD Judas 3. The second coming of the Lord, with the restoration of the Bible, is to be completed in about 2065 AD Micah 7:15.
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