They Were Always Coming For Our Children; Vaccine Ingredients DO ENTER THE BRAIN

2 years ago

Aluminium Nanoparticles In Childhood Vaccines Are causing Neurological Disorders and Chronic Inflammatory disease

Dr. Larry Palevsky - Aluminium nanoparticles in childhood vaccines enter the child’s brain, causes neurological disorders, inflammatory disease and life long illness and death.

Over half our children have chronic inflammatory disease.

Children with inflammatory disease
1:5 with neuro-mental disabilities
1:10 with ADD and ADHD
1:35 with autism
1:11 with asthma
1:20 (under age 5) with seizures

Autoimmune disease is exponentially rising.

No Vaccine is safe.

Ask your GP or Midwife what’s in these vaccines. They won’t be able to tell you.

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