Chiba Shrine #lucky

1 year ago

Chiba Shrine
The god of warding off evil spirits, familiarized by the "Myoken Festival" that has continued since the Heian period.
The god of the North Star, Hokushin Myoken King, also known as "Ame-no-Mikoto Okami," is the main god enshrined, and is known to have power over the stars that lead people to good fate by removing "misfortunes" such as illness, accidents, and injuries. He is known among locals as "Myoken-sama," and worshipers come from, not only within the prefecture, but also from all over the country in the search of the power of good luck that eliminates evil.

The shrine was founded in the year 1000 (Choho 2), when Taira no Tadatsune, a representative military commander of the mid-Heian Period, established and began maintaining the monastery. From the year 1127 (Taiji 2), the "Myoken Festival" was held without once being interrupted until the present day, and has been gaining deeper reverence and attention. This festival lasts for a week (August 16th to 22nd of every year) and is also called the "One Word Myoken Festival" due to the saying that when one wish is made during this time, it will surely be granted.

The outstanding shrine is characterized by the rare multi-storied structure with a worship hall on both the 1st and 2nd floors. Although it was burnt down by an air raid during the war, it was later rebuilt and re-established in the Heisei Era. Chiba Tenjin Hall, which enshrines Sugawara no Michizane, the god of learning, is built on the shrine grounds, and sacred water could be taken at the Enju Well, a famous spiritual spring where one wish is said to be granted. The amulets are available throughout the year, including the ones used to prevent getting senile, are decorated with star crests such as the Sanko crest and Navagraha crest, both related to the deity of the North Star.

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