20230221-The Justin Principle

2 years ago

Back in September (20220922) I got to thinking about our racist skidmark of a Prime Minister, and how out of his depth he, and as a result we, is. I thought about it in terms of the Peter Principle, but that doesn’t really fit.

The Peter Principle is the idea that a man is promoted to his level of incompetence.

You’re good at your job, you get promoted, you’re good at that, you get promoted, etc. until you’re not good at your job. You’ve reached your level of incompetence, and you stop.

We have as our Prime Minister a man whose level of competence is snow board instructor. His level of incompetence is part time drama teacher.

How many levels above supply drama teacher is PM of a G-7 nation?

I propose a new principle, to describe people of such utter incompetence, such utter uselessness, that if they weren’t granted some sort of sinecure, they would be wards of the state.

And if this sinecure is a position of power, I propose we name it in honour of Dumb and Dumber, the trustfund tyrant, Blackface Hitler himself.

I call it “The Justin Principle.”

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