The Words of Thomas Sowell

1 year ago

At the start of the night meet Cherise Wilson a leader from the Black Republican Renaissance (BRR) Group for a few minutes. Their organization seeks to consult with politicians/candidates on how to successfully do outreach to urban, black communities. They also host content that challenges main stream media views on conservative/republican leaning people of different backgrounds.

Dawson Smith will be presenting his personal observations and opinions on factors that contributed to the successful election of four (4) conservative and Republican Party endorsed candidates to the Forest Hills School District (FHSD) Board of Education
(BOE). The FHSD includes Anderson Township, and Newtown Village.

Dawson attributes this achievement to good and hard working BOE candidates; a
dedicated policy team; and superior ground game teams. All of whom worked
synergistically to help educate a significant number of FHSD citizens, parents, and
property tax paying voters to issues involving the outgoing and past BOE’s, and the top level FHSD administration.

Thomas Sowell is one of the great social theorists of our age. In a career spanning more than a half century, few scholars have matched his range and accessibility. He has written more than forty-five books, covering topics from economic history and social inequality to political philosophy and race. In all his work, Sowell would strive to prove that “facts and evidence matter.”
The life of the great economist Thomas Sowell, originally a Marxist, who became a student of Milton Friedman’s at the University of Chicago. Was Sowell’s teaching similar to Friedman’s or different? Sowell talked frequently about higher education that often meant the lowering of expectations for blacks and minorities. He challenged his students and rejected the idea that you help minority progress by holding them to lower standards.

Recorded November 10th, 2022
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