Episode #92: Biden's Trains to Nowhere

2 years ago

Jacob and Eric react to Nikki Haley's laughably basic talking points and campaign rhetoric as she officially jumps into the 2024 primaries, then dissect the various examples of Secretary of State Anthony Blinken's vision for a globalist new world order. For the main topic, they explain the full impact of the disastrous train derailment in Ohio, the chemical fallout and its impact on local animals, and the socio-political reasons for why the political and media elite are deliberately ignoring the disaster.


00:00 Intro
04:31 The Neocon in Heels Joins the 2024 Race
23:07 Blinken's Precious Liberal International Order
47:00 Main Topic: Nuking a Town with Chemicals

Nikki Haley explicitly blamed President Trump for the 2015 Charleston Church shooting: https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/282092-nikki-haley-on-trump-i-know-what-that-rhetoric-can-do/ 

In the aftermath of the shooting, Haley signed a law to ban the Confederate flag from state government grounds in 2015: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/07/09/421531368/south-carolina-gov-nikki-haley-to-sign-confederate-flag-bill-into-law 

President Trump “welcomes” Haley to the 2024 primaries with a series of backhanded compliments: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-welcomes-nikki-haley-2024-race-more-merrier 

Jacob’s article at Valiant News detailing Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s globalist worldview: https://valiantnews.com/2023/02/blinken-no-peace-in-ukraine-until-russia-abandons-donbass-crimea/

Blinken tries to dictate the terms under which peace could be achieved in Ukraine: https://www.npr.org/2023/02/14/1156723277/blinken-china-ukraine-russia-syria-aid

Blinken details his vision for the “rules-based international order:” https://www.state.gov/the-administrations-approach-to-the-peoples-republic-of-china/ 

Blinken’s speech before the Council on Foreign Relations on how Americans must be convinced to support the liberal international order: https://www.cfr.org/event/multilateral-diplomacy-modern-world-conversation-tony-blinken

The full extent of the fire from the controlled burn of the Ohio train derailment: https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/east-palestine-train-derailment/crews-on-scene-of-train-derailment-in-east-palestine/ 

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