Daily Chess play - 1358 - Even day

2 years ago

First game, Opponent had me on my heels but he blunders his Queen on g4. He offers a draw and then resigned.

Second game, Up two pawns by taking all the pawns on the left side. I was doing well except I pushed my Queen too far in for a Rook and got my King checkmated.

Third game, I mess up the trades and was down a Knight on b5, move 14. I miss a checkmate on g2 but I was probably going to lose anyway. He challenges me to a rematch so I take it.

Fourth game, I lose a Knight for two pawns on f6, move 11. We trade Queens but I get an additional Bishop so I am up a pawn. I pin a Knight on e2 and then begin to defend my structure while locking down his King. Opponent resigns.

2 wins and 2 losses. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#chess #daily #learning #fork #trade #checkmate #queen #mistakes#blunder #win #errors #hang

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