Lucid Dreaming Technique | Problem Solving

1 year ago

Lucid Dream Problem Solving

This lucid dreaming technique comes from Stephen Laberges book “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming” and can be found in more detail there.

This technique can be used to help you solve various problems you may encounter during the day or night

Begin by choosing the problem you’d like to solve or creative breakthrough you’d like to have

Frame your problem in the form of a single question, write down your question and then memorize it.

Use the lucid Dream incubation technique to evoke a dream about your question (This technique can be found in my other video on it or it can be found in Stephen Laberges book “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming”)

Once Lucid you should recall your question and seek out your answer. What form this may take can vary but you can begin using your own psychological associations. For example if the question is science based perhaps you associate science with Einstein, in which case you may find your answer with him. Another example is if you’re looking for a plot development for a story you could try going to locations that exist within that story. It is often a good idea to talk to the dream characters you find throughout this dream. Simply explore the dream scenes, the important part of this is that you keep an open and receptive mindset, you should keep your mind open to any clues that may lead you to your answer

Remember that you unconsciously know more things than you can remember, the answer to your problem may be among them.

It is important that you immediately wake up and write down your discovery once you have your answer. Otherwise you may forget it.

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