New Frontiers of Biomedical Research, 1945-1980 (Oct 2001 NIH Symposium: Lederberg, Frederickson)

1 year ago

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New Frontiers of Biomedical Research, 1945-1980
Runtime: 05:06:33
Description: Recent biomedical research has offered human society some of the most innovative and productive scientific discoveries. The many advances have broadened our knowledge of life and the human organism. While this is a vast story, it can be effectively explored through the insights of the scientists who have been instrumental in the development of biomedical research. This symposium will enlist the personal experiences of three scientists who shaped the field of biomedicine: Dr. Donald S. Fredrickson, Dr. Julius Axelrod, and Dr. Joshua Lederberg. The scientists will discuss their respective contributions to the administration of the U.S. biomedical research establishment, the investigation of the nervous system, and the rise of genetics as a discipline.
Abstract: (CIT): Recent biomedical research has offered human society some of the most innovative and productive scientific discoveries. The many advances have broadened our knowledge of life and the human organism. While this is a vast story, it can be effectively explored through the insights of the scientists who have been instrumental in the development of biomedical research. This symposium will enlist the personal experiences of three scientists who shaped the field of biomedicine: Dr. Donald S. Fredrickson, Dr. Julius Axelrod, and Dr. Joshua Lederberg. The scientists will discuss their respective contributions to the administration of the U.S. biomedical research establishment, the investigation of the nervous system, and the rise of genetics as a discipline. For more information, visit the Symposium Web Site

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