Vladimir Putin's Speech to the Russian Federal Assembly and the World

2 years ago

An analysis with Dr. Vladimir Kozin of some of the major points made by Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation in his address to the Russian Federal Assembly, invited guests, the people of Russia, and the world. War in Ukraine. US/NATO expressed goal is to destroy Russia. Putin mocked the US and the West for its decline in values and culture while castigating the US for the deaths of 900,000 people and 30 million refugees due to its wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria and elsewhere. Russia has defeated all invaders and will decisively win this war because we are strong and united. "Truth is on our side."

Dr. Vladimir Kozin
Member, Russian Academy of Military Sciences
Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
Vice President, Russian National Institute for Global Security Research
Winner of Colonel-General Varfolomei Korobushin Reward (Russian Strategic Missiles Forces) and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Reward
Leading Expert, Center for Military-Political Studies, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)
Ph.D, Senior Researcher (Academic Rank)

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