Extended Childs Pose Yoga #yoga #stetchy #relaxation #childspose #yogatips #beginneryoga #calming

2 years ago

Skiers, soothe your tired muscles and relax your mind after a day on the slopes with Reclined Child's Pose

🏂 This gentle yoga pose calms the nervous system and releases tension in the back and hips

🙏 Perfect for skiers, Reclined Child's Pose can also improve posture and increase circulation, preparing the body for another day on the mountain

🎿 Start by sitting back on your heels, stretching your arms out in front of you, and lowering your forehead to the mat 🏂

#skiing #skiingfitness #snowyoga #relaxation #postureimprovement #circulationboost #nervoussystemcalming #tensionrelief

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