An Open Message to Terpsehore "TORE" Maras, "The OG" and Guru of Gibberish to her Mindless Minions

1 year ago

This is an open message to TERPSEHORE “TORE” MARAS:

Knock off the doxxing, the threats and the insults. You like to talk all about game theory, but it is clear that we the people are winning in the marketplace of ideas. Our numbers grow daily, even as you struggle to find new outlets in which you can still sell your particular brand of sinister snake oil.

Why not come on my Rumble Channel and we can discuss these things like adults? Oh, that's right! You don't know who any of us are, so why would you deign to debate with the little people?

After all, it would probably just be about me seeking “RECOGNITION” and you would be right of course. To be recognized along with some of the other truly well-known and famous people you know would be the crowning achievement of my 72 years.

I long to be in the same league with such luminaries at the brilliant author, Patrick Bergy, the Rockstar “Grant”, the political operative Ali Akbar and all the flying monkeys that make up your circle of sycophant harpies. But alas, it will never happen, because you’re a coward.

Anyway, the offer is out there and you certainly know where to find me.

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