#1 Best-selling author/life coach David Essel talks about his new book “Helping Americans Heal"!

1 year ago

#1 Best-selling author, life coach and counselor of 40+ years David Essel talks about his new book “Helping Americans Heal: The Ultimate Guide to Healing during the Challenging Times” helping people learn to deal with stress, uncertainty, isolation, anxiety, depression, addiction and many other issues facing our nation today! David has also worked as a mental success counselor for basketball, baseball, tennis players from the US, an ordained minister, speaker, and basketball coach; plus hosted “David Essel Alive” for 27 years on various networks and more! Check out the amazing David Essel and his new book available on all platforms and www.davidessel.com today! #davidessel #author #lifecoach #helpingamericansheal #mentalhealth #mentalsuccess #basketball #ordainedminister #davidesselalive #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerdavidessel #themikewagnershowdavidessel

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