Are US Court Cases Decided Before Arrest being on Pedo Rothschild Enemies List?

1 year ago

White Heterosexual Male Conservatives are most likely to go after Pedophile Child Trafficking Central Bankers based in China given the chance. So, these LBGTQ+ (Plus is for Pedophile Child Trafficker) have us on a list to go after in RIGGED COURTS using Pedo Child Trafficking Int'l Police Union & United Nations Israeli Intel Michael Chertoff B.A.R. Association to rig court cases, elections, pay police & operatives to act for Rothschild Adrenochrome Cartel in China. The Pentagram of DC & Obama did COVID to rig elections & is Coup of the Free World for the WEF Crowd. Making up that someone is Counterfeiting is Classic Secret Service KGB-like behavior. Their made up BS might mean me spending the rest of my life as a Political Prisoner. Will I be in Prison, when Biden's Handlers in China have the US Nuke the US & hope Russia joins in Nuking the USA? More info:

Should "American Justice" look like this. I may spend the rest of my life in prison. I have done nothing wrong.

#StopTheBS #HangTheGreens #MeToo #WBNemesis #USConstitutionParty #NoPedoJoe #Restore45 #TheStarkRavingViking More videos:

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