⚫2534. !🔴! PAY ATTENTION !🔴!

2 years ago


Pharma IS one of the most destructive evils of our time at the end of this age as we watch the close of the church age and the Tribulation at the door.
Probably the best way to think about the pharmaceutical industry is to imagine an incredibly corrupt fire department. Most of the money that the fire department gets to buy new trucks and other equipment goes right into the pockets of the department’s commissioner and his closest friends. The department may still do its job in the sense that they rush to fires and rescue people trapped by flames, but the evil transcends itself for profit and now unprecedented deaths (murder).
The fire department may even occasionally start fires itself so that they can be heroes in putting them out and rescuing potential victims. If that sounds like an over-the-top accusation against the pharmaceutical industry, then you didn’t pay attention to the opioid scandal. Several major drug companies have paid out billions of dollars in settlements over the accusation that they deliberately misled doctors about the addictiveness of the new generation of opioids

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