Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Eagle Owl 🦉 02/21/23 05:25

2 years ago

The male Eagle Owl flies onto the outer branch, then to the nesting platform. He starts calling in his lady when he finally spots her flying to the branch and moves to the nesting area. The pair break out into territorial hoots with one another while the male cleans up the nest. The female eventually flies off the branch and continues her calls off-cam. With daylight approaching, the male eventually flies away.

#Nature #EagleOwl #Wildlife #BirdsOfPrey #Owl

Courtesy Of:
The Eagle Club Estonia’s YouTube channel
Supported by: The Estonian Fund for Nature toel.

Location: The northern coast of Estonia.

Cam Link:

Eagle Owl Nest 2022 and 2023 Information and Forum:

Eagle Owl Nest Camera Information:

Additional Eagle Owl Stats:

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