1 year ago

William Guy Carr

Canadian naval officer
William James Guy Carr was an English-born Canadian naval officer, author, and conspiracy theorist, who was accused of being an antisemite. Though he first came to notice with books about his military experiences as a submariner, Carr later turned to writing about a vast conspiracy, which he alleged to have uncovered.

Borrowed from: WE CAN NO LONGER LIVE LIKE PAWNS IN THEIR GAME.... https://youtu.be/-u4o-FNoN38 via @YouTube
this is a time for justice welcome to Today's show this is an important video
that I've uploaded in the past on numerous channels it's been taken down numerous times but it's definitely
something that everybody should hear more than once in their lives and I'm sure a lot of you don't remember it and if you're new to the channel you
definitely probably have not heard it unless you're looking for videos of William Guy Carr talking about
in the 1950s exactly what's going on today a book called Pawns in the game is
one of the best books out there but for those of you that don't want to buy the book to read the book which is understandable you don't have the time
here it is in a nutshell for you listen to this and I'm putting this up as a Premiere so everybody out there can chat
amongst themselves I hope that that doesn't distract you from the messaging I hope the conversations in the chat
will be about what's being discussed because the similarities of what's happening in today's world and what they
were trying to implement that are going on in this video you can hear all of the stuff about corporations government
media police military State everything going on in today's world this video and
this audio I should say is from over 70 years ago almost 80 years ago it's
insane and that's because they were trying to implement communism in America then they infiltrated and it was stopped
but it ever really was stopped it was just growing and infiltrating on the inside now you're seeing the influence
of Communism on our society the behavior of people why we have people so dumbed down why we have lunatics amongst us why
people are calling and asking for things that they don't even know what they're asking for and what the ramifications are and it's because these people look
at government as if it's God and that's of course really the entire core of Communism but here is William Guy cars
Pawns in the game if you haven't heard in a while you should definitely listen to it if you have chores to do or something around the house you're cooking let it
play let everybody in the house here because whoever hears it they're going to say yeah it sounds a lot like what's going on now and they could hear about
the infiltration and this is why we are where we are today but it was forewarned To Us by people like William geikar a
long long time ago I hope you enjoy foreign
you are about to hear may seem strange and bizarre but it is
Our intention to bring you only documented proof the general public is unaware of the
fact that for the past 200 years fires of Revolution have been smoldering
beneath the whole structure of civilization in 1953 the California Senate
investigating committee on education released its 11th annual report on pages
169 and 170 of that document we find the following words quote
so-called modern communism is apparently the same hypocritical and deadly World
conspiracy to destroy civilization that was founded by The Secret order of the
Illuminati in Bavaria on May 1st 1776.
the recognition of May 1st 1776 as the founding date of this World Revolution
conspiracy is not hard to understand when it is realized that may day is
frequently celebrated even in recent Times by rioting and bloodshed on a worldwide scale
it was not until 1847 or 48. that the
Communist conspirators who had dirty four operated in secret came out into
the open with the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels boldly
proclaiming against practically everything upon which civilization is based God
religion the family individual liberty and so forth the
concluding paragraph on the manifesto reading Communists going to hide their views and
aims they openly declare that their purpose can only be achieved by forcible
overthrow of the whole existing social order let the ruling classes tremble at the
prospect of a Communist Revolution proletarians have nothing to lose but
their chains they have a world to win proletarians of all lands Unite
in issuing this Manifesto the Communist conspiratives evidently believe that time had arrived when
with the aid of ignorant victims a worldwide takeover could be
accomplished but there were not enough ignorant victims to manipulate them
and the expectant coup failed the conspirators thereupon conceived the
plan for the future of supplementing the long-established secret conspiracy in
existence since 1776 where an unremitting public campaign for victims
among the ignorant of all Nations and in an attempt to hide from View
the underlying hypocritical conspiracy existing since May 1st 1776
it was decided that in such public campaign the manifesto of 1848 should be heralded
as a founding date of Communism and Karl Marx falsely proclaimed as its author so
wrote the elected members of this California state senate committee in
1953 here and there lone voices have been raised to alert
the world to the imminent dangers from this satanic conspiracy of the forces of
Darkness their voices have largely gone unheeded and even many leaders of these so-called
anti-communist movement have failed to grasp the Staggering
realities of this conspiracy within the conspiracy one who saw the total picture was
commander William Guy Carr this recording was taken from a speech delivered by Commander Carr in Chicago
in 1958. few months before his death it was not Carr's intention to document
the whole history of the Illuminati conspiracy in this speech since a great many books had already
been printed on the Illuminati the world revolutionary movement
including his own books Pawns in the game and red fog Over
America in this speech Commander Cara sets forth
the basic philosophical Concepts behind the greatest mystery of all time
the Revolutionary attempts to overthrow all governments and all religions in
order to enslave the whole human race under a super one-world government
ruled by a satanic despotism as an official lecturer
for the Royal Canadian Navy Commander Carr constantly warned large
audiences in the 30s about the world conspiracy and the
forthcoming second world war during that time he wrote seven best-selling novels
some were selected to become part of the Royal Library the library of War Museum
and the sir Millington Drake library at Eaton college and the Braille library
for the blind Carr's most widely read book Pawns in the game is considered by most
historical Experts of the Illuminati as the most comprehensively documented book
ever published on the Illuminati the sound on this recording is primitive due
to the fact that it was placed on tape in a large Meeting Hall however despite the sound quality and
other technical shortcomings the facts contained in this speech are of such
significance that it is reproduced exactly as it was given car speech will be interrupted
occasionally by this narrator who will insert Salient comments on what Carr has
said in order to highlight certain particularly significant parts of his
message this recording is not meant to entertain the listener it is an historical
recording of great importance about a conspiracy that has lasted for thousands
of years numerous books have been written on the subject of the Illuminati
and it has been referred to by such men as George Washington John Adams and
Abraham Lincoln a list of books for The Listener who wishes to pursue this subject will be
found on the liner notes on the back of this record would like to
present to you a speaker that has given much of his life
for the welfare of humanity and to study the things that are going on in World
revolutionary movement our speaker this evening has a very wonderful way of presenting a message
that is so fascinated and I hope that each of you will listen with open minds
and forget all prejudices and all bigotry we have nothing to gain by
hatred and our figures will certainly give us the reasons for that and so this
time for a very happy and proud to present the commander William Guy Carr
okay [Applause]
Madam chairman ladies and gentlemen the inspiring words of the song that
you've just sung parallel hours in Canada we single Canada as God saved Our Queen
but all citizens of countries that we still speak of as being free are in the
same boat unless we be doers of the word as well
as here is unless we translate what we say
in the action I'm afraid we are going to suffer the
penalty of our difference we have the words of the Our Father everybody
Praise Him many times a day in some cases we say
thy kingdom come thy will be done but what do we actually do towards
establishing God's plan to the rule of creation and putting it into effect on
this Earth if we had during the last 2000 years
put those words into effect the luciferian conspiracy could not have
developed to wear this today in its semi-final State Adam who is house
with a doctorate canon law an eagle staff University
revised and modernized the angels conspiracy and then
reorganize the Illuminating and organize the grand Orient lodges to
be their secret hiding place these brilliant-minded men insisted of men and
all walks of life scientists military leaders
economists educationalists encyclopedias
so on that is where the word Illuminati
is derived from they are undoubtedly brilliant minded men
and unfortunately they have become self-conceited so swell
hit that they actually believed that they know better than almighty God how the
universe should be ruled and that is the struggle
that's going on today but if we start to finish revising the
age-old conspiracy in modernizing it on May 1st 1776
[Music] he said that communism jacobinism
World federalism the living of Zionism and any and all
other organizations that had internationalism or a one-world
government out of their ultimate aim where to be
organized financed directed and controlled by the members
of The Illuminati the Illuminati down through the ages of
time and always made provision to elect and select those
who are to succeed them from their own immediate and sewage
they are children of well-bred and Families
whom because of the fact that they show exceptional mental
achievement are highly educated and thoroughly trained
to serve the purpose of those that Direct the world revolutionary movement
these youngsters when they are going through college and university don't realize
why they are being charged with the graphs and scholarships and all the rest
they become strongly attached to those that Finance their education and then
place them into exceptional the renumerated positions
and it is useless to deny the fact that as to
these brilliant-minded young men have been educated
under the tuition of men that represent themselves as one world
that they are fully qualified to act as Specialists experts and advisors
behind the scenes of our government thus it is through these men
whom we term agent to her that the governments of your country and
mine since a way back in history have been made
or revised or pressured into accepting policies
that have always ended in reoccurring Wars and revolutions
because the principle on which the
this conspiracy is based is the ability to
keep secrets their plans and for the Illuminati and their agent tour to keep
dividing the world's population into
opposing camps in ever increasing numbers so that they can be armed
and after they are armed they're built up to more or less
equal in strength we call that in military terms balance apart and after
that has been done the Illuminati invariably produced the incident which
will cause the opposing sides to fight and destroy each other while those that
ferment the most revolutions reap the financial benefits and sit back
on the sidelines patiently waiting for the day when all
governance and religions will have been destroyed as world wars
pressed off said that when this point is reached
then for the first time they will make known to the masses the
pure light of the true doctrine of Lucifer and imposes with satanic
despotism but why not said in the 17th
hundreds of other cars in the 1700s Pike
General Albert Pike confirmed in the latter part of the 1800s
Pike with the aid and the Giuseppe mazzini
worked out the military blueprints which could cause the world to be
involved in wars and revolutions until [Music]
to use his own words only two world powers remained and those
two were to be the people controlled by the leaders of atheistic communism
and those that subscribed to the Christian religion I know it is very hard the average
decent clean minded citizens who realized such a devilish
and I have used the word violently diabolical Plus
has been in operation but the scriptures
the Old Testament there's nothing more or less than the history of that conspiracy
of the luciferian forces to prevent the human race establishing God's plan for
the rule of creation putting it in effect on this Earth Christ himself came to show us
what must be done if we were going to Halt that conspiracy on this Earth as Saint Michael halted it in heaven
he told us who were directing that expression he said
it is they of the synagogue of Satan he said they are sons of the devil Lucifer
whose lust they will do he was a murderer from the beginning he knows not
the truth but the truth is not in him when asked who are these men he said
them to call themselves Jews but enough and do mine
the devil 's whole plans to use cunning and deceit
that is why our heavenly father through his son Jesus Christ told us that he was
the founder of life and they will make any statement and
justify the telling of a deliberate lie providing it moves the conspiracy
towards its final goal the meaning with
an Italian if you look in your encyclopedias you will find him you will
apologize as a great Italian patreon
that is how the Asians
who direct this conspiracy this saved the people and two believing what is a
direct line he was the director of the world
revolutionary movement appointed [Music]
as the Director of the whole world revolutionary movement in 1834.
after the French Revolution that was over and the American situation here is
in turmoil mazzini came to America
and he consulted with General Albert Pike who is disgruntled because his Indian
auxiliary troops had been disbanded on the charge that they are committed
and trusted under the cloak of legitimate War therefore fight became an alone
and he built a house in Little Rock with
13 rooms in 1840. and it was in that house where he worked
to connect the military blueprint of wars and
revolutions that would bring Weiss house plan to its final stage
the blueprint called first of all
for they putting into effect of weisshoff's plan to create International
atheistic Commons and then use it as the illuminated
destructive force to help them destroy all existing governments and religions
[Music] I know it hurts
when the truth of History revealed that men who have been built up
by false propaganda International Heroes approved to defeated plague
but what is true of some of your Statesmen and politicians in the past and equally
true of ours in Canada and those of prison since the turn of the 19th century since
1801 there has hardly been a prime minister
in England or Canada or a president in this United States to the exception of
Lincoln who wasn't under the control of the Illuminati
I explained briefly this afternoon how weishthoff's plan
was made known by an act of God the German author swag
z-w-a-c-k and laboriously put these revised
protocols together and so that they would be safe and to
guard against all being destroyed at one time
the copies of this document were placed in different parts of the world
I explained the professor John Robinson professor of human psychology of
Edinburgh University and Secretary of the Royal Society when touring Germany
and visiting the University of Frankfort and engelstadt
had been asked to God a copy of the secret document he
was not informed as to their nature but he did place them in safe keeping
and after the plot had been revealed by the act of God
and the Bavarian government had published the horrible details of this
International plot Professor Robinson
unlocked this strong box in which he had kept them and found that the documents
he had confirmed everything that the Bavarian government had published in 1786. I told you that while Western
asked Courier was riding on Horseback from Frankfurt to Paris
with a copy of this precious document in famous documents
for the information of those luminous and Jacobins who had been entrusted with
developing the French Revolution which was scheduled to break out in
1789 almighty God struck him dead as he rode through the village of Brazosport The
Courier was struck by lightning and they were very priest sounds of this
document on the Courier's body realizing its importance the series nature of it
they turned it over to the Bavarian government who in turn had the police raid all West
Coast Grand origin lodges and the homes of those who were known to us be
connected with him in the order and sects of the Illuminati the evidence must obtained
confirmed the document as being genuine and it was published
in 1786 under the title the original writings of the order and sect of the
Illuminati confidence of this document were sent to
the heads of church and state throughout Europe but such was the power of those experts
Specialists and advisors who had been infiltrated behind the scenes of
government that they persuaded the ground heads of Europe and the heads of
church to ignore the warnings by telling them that it was part of a huge hoax and if
they took any notice of it they would be brought into ridicule when
this plot was discovered the Bavarian government closed The Lodges of the
grand Orient outlawed professor weisha
and disbanded the Illuminati
and with the damage coming with which they are inspired
wife pretended that the Prophet come to an end and that
he had become reconciled with God that the word of God can apply equally
to Lucifer as it does to the Supreme Being that we worship and that is why
people are continually being deceived by the double talk of these people
so when the pressure had been put on the Illuminati in Europe Thomas Jefferson
who was one of the wife's half's great admirers
transferred the direction of the plot from Europe to
America I know that that's hard to take but remember
we cannot judge Jefferson or any of those
with whom he became Associated he may honestly have believed that only a one
world gun would bring an end to continuing Wars
and revolutions or he may and only he ended making Hood have
become a member of the order of sex of the Illuminati it would appear
that the latter is what happened as 1789
Professor Robinson whom I referred to before published the book
entitled truth and the conspiracy to destroy all
governments and religions and in that book and there are accomplices of the
book right here in the United States at the present time carefully Gardens this
book has recently been reprinted and is included in the book list on the
back of this record John Robinson it was himself a high degree Mason
his duty to expose the Illuminati and their
secret intentions and he risked his life to publish that
documentary so in 1789 he gave warning
that the Illuminati had infiltrated into Masonic lodges in the United States
and have created a secret society within a secret society
Society now let it be clearly understood that I am not making any charges
whatsoever against the iSonic orders of the Scottish and blue rice or anybody
else because I know only too well that it is a rare occasion if even a 30
second a 33rd degree Nation suspects the higher than that is the secret part that
infiltrated into the organization now to give you some additional truth to
show how these confers this work on July the 19th
1798 David ate happened president of Harvard University won the graduating
class regarding the influence a liberalism was having an American politics and religion
Thanksgiving day is the next year 1789
[Music] he warned his congregation and the people of the United States that the
illuminous cover their two-purpose financial trading into Masonic lodges and hiding their subversive acts and
intentions under the cloak of philosophy in 1799 John cousins exposed the fact
that illuminous in New England were indefectively engaged in destroying religion and government in America under
themed regard for their safety in 1800 John Quincy Adams opposed the
attitude to the presidency of the United States Adams had organized the New
England Masonic margins he wrote three letters to Colonel William Hillstone
exposing death through subversive activities the letters referred to are or were an
exhibition in the writtenhouse Square library of Philadelphia only a few months ago
they are turning into having enabled John Quincy Adams winning the presidency
in 1826 Captain William Malden
took it upon himself to inform all other nations how and why
the Illuminati were using their lodges for subversive purposes the Illuminati delegated one of their
members Richard Howard to execute Morgan as a street Morgan tried to escape to Canada that
was captured at the border and murdered Richard Powers reports to a meeting of
the United States in St John's Hall New York out here executed Morgan
Arrangements according to Elaine were then made to ship Howard back to
Liverpool in England and the incident caused such
indignation and the parts of the Masonic fraternity
that their records drew that as a result of this incident thousands of Masons
seceded from the northern jurisdiction since I published that and
last issues news behind the news the grandson of one of the men that led
that Revolt in some way got hold of a copy and he went to the trouble of
sending me copies of the minutes that his grandfather had taken
his great grandfather had taken at the meetings that dealt with that very subject so that I would have an
additional evidence of the proof of what I'm telling them in 1829 I just tell you these things
because it shows how this conspiracy moves year by year and right up to the present day in 1829
in English illuminous named Fanny Wright you might wonder the person of the female sex being mixed up in this thing
but the grand Orient lodges and the largest of the councils of the new and reformed
Palladium rights organize what they call councils of adoption that is the female
organizations that work hand in gloves with the Illuminati this woman elected to select groups of
illuminous in the new Masonic temple which has been built in New York she explained the luciferian ideology
regarding free loves actual Liberty he also informed the American illuminous it
was intended to organize atheistic communism for the purpose of
furthering their own sacred plans and Ambitions among those who were delegated
to put this phase of the conspiracy into effect with Clinton Roosevelt's Paris Greeley
and Charles dad nobody had ever heard the word communism
used generally at that date as a matter of fact the word communism was not put into
common use until after 11 and Trotsky users power
in 17 from The mensheviks Who has fought the Russian Revolution it was only then
that the word communism became into common use I want you to Mark these
things very carefully in 1841 Clinton Roosevelt published a book
called the science of government founded in natural law
that book embodies weisop's pattern of a one world U.N type dictatorship
Clinton Roosevelt was a direct ancestor of Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Greely and dead organized the local football party in
1834 to cover the real purpose they organized the first labor movement
in the United States the following year and then covered their activities under the name of the Whig party
and the money that they raised by these activities was used to finance none
other than Karl mark to write the Communist manifest in that
capital in Seoul London England Karl Mark was the nephew of the Jewish
rabbis but he defected from Judaism he was baptized into the Christian religion
and he was a hater of the news he was no more an atheist than what I
had but he wrote that document as soon as he could get people who had lost their
faith to join the Communist party and allow
themselves to be used to further the secret plans of the Illuminati while Karl March and anglos were writing the
Communist man of thou Stone a German professor of the name of Carl wizard of
Frankfort University was actually employed by the illuminous writing the
antitheist of the Communists ideology so that the Communist party and the
anti-communist party could be used to diverify the world's population into
opposing camps and bring about world war one Professor Carl Ryder was succeeded
after his death by Nietzsche who completed his work
as early as 1776 Russia had been designated as the
Empire which was to be destroyed and turned into the stronghold of atheistic
Commons but the historians that teach in your
universities and in your colleges don't say anything about that
what I'm telling you are historical facts I'm not giving you my own opinions they can be checked in your national
archives in the British Museum of London England and in the Vatican libraries and have been checked
when Giuseppe mazzini was brought in contact
with Pike the two worked on this military plan to divide the country's
of the world into opposing camps and World War One
was to be used to enable them to overthrow the powers of the tsar and
turned Russia into the stronghold of atheists to come
in 1887
Pike and Lemmy who had succeeded mazzini as the Director of the world
revolutionary movement Lenin succeeded Lemmy decided
in elliptical science by Harrison
and then used for two purposes first of all to three the state of Israel and
secondly to enable the Illuminati to cement World War III using the
differences between the Israeli and the Arab mohammedans to serve that purpose
the plot also required that after World War one had turned Russia into the
stronghold of atheists to Communism communism was to be built up in strength
by the leaders of our so-called Democratic countries until it's equal in strength
in every respect the United Christian world and then it
was to be contained and it was to be contained until the last everybody considers the communism it's a movement
by The Neighborhood classes to destroy capitalism nothing can do more ridiculous
the mansionics and the ball she makes were used
to permit and fight the Revolution in Russia in 195 1916.
but all the time holding the background where these aluminous who had chosen
Lenin and clotsky to lead
the movement to user the powers of government in Russia just as soon as the
moment was right now in 1916
the international Bankers of Britain the United States
Germany Sweden and France met in Stockholm
for the purpose of deciding the final details of the Russian Revolution and
they were joined by Henry Ford Henry Ford who originally wrote a series of books exposing the Illuminati conspiracy
was himself duped into going along with them the Ford Foundation has since
carried out many of the stated goals of the conspirators under the beneficient hand of Henry Ford
II whose father never dreamed that his own fortune would be used to advance the
cause of his worst enemy who went over under the
gave the world the information passion that he sailed in that famous peace ship
but of course the different kind of Peace we know that the Communists today are talking peace but that they mean
the peace that will be had when all other opposing forces
have been destroyed the average communist doesn't know that
he also has to be destroyed in the Final Phase of the conspiracy and it was by making these facts known
to the leaders of the government's party in Canada that we split the Communist party right down the middle in 1957.
we supplied them with copies of a letter that Albert Pike had written to mazzini
on August the 15th 1871 the year before madini died and
that exposed the whole diabolical aspect of
that aspect of the conspiracy lemon and Trotsky were not
ages lemon had been initiated into the ordering sect of the Illuminati in
Switzerland where Johnson was initiated and I'm not familiar
but this will shock British intelligence knew exactly what
was being planned and so did your American Intelligence Officers because they reported all the details of the
secret meeting in Stockholm to the governments just the same as I reported that secret meeting that happened on
Saint Simons Island February the 14th this last year
no notice mistake the powers behind the scenes of governments are too strong to
even allow your government which you so proudly say is of the people for the
People by the people and ours is just the same
but the tank remains that they deposited 50 million dollars to the credits of
Trotsky in the Bank of Sweden and well that was being done Lennon
was being given safe conduct from Switzerland to
Russia with 38 top-level revolutionary readers in a private car supplied by the
high command of the German government and that movement from Switzerland to
Germany is 11 and his party will organize by the brother of Paul Warburg
who drafted your Federal Reserve legislation in 1910 and had it put into
effect in 1913. his brother was chief of the German intelligence staff and
negotiated the transfer of Lenin and they start ranking aluminous into Russia now
chotsky was building up his group of revolutionary leaders on the
east side of New York and
when he failed to New York to Sweden British Navy
intercepted the vessel and took Trotsky in his fellow revolutionary leaders of
the vessel landed them in Halifax and confined them in the immigration sheds and put them
under the guard of the Northwest mountain region they were known that day
but that didn't suit those that are directing the world revolutionary movement
Mackenzie King William Lyon McKenzie King who had been educated and trained as a
member of the Illuminati because his father had been a revolutionary leader
in Canada [Music] and brilliant
cold-blooded professional politician became minister
of Labor in Canada in 1907
he was doing the work of the international conspirators as far back
as that day when World War one broke out I was about to break out Mackenzie King
retired from the Canadian government and took the position as head of the rocky
fellow Department of Public Relations
no when we had captured Trotsky and his fellow conspiracies as they had been
placed in detention and Halifax Mackenzie King was sent by The Rockefellers through Art of War and he
issued the ultimatums that unless those men were not only released but given
safe conduct to Sweden the United States would cut off all financial and other
Aid to Britain and France President Woodrow Wilson who said time and time
again I will not let our boys die on foreign soil
was a stooge of Colonel Edward Mandel house an Aaron boy for the hierarchy of the
Illuminati in America The Rockefellers Bernard Baruch
Jacob Schiff Etc Wilson wired the British government
demanding that Trotsky and his men be released or the United States would not
enter World War one as agreed upon so to prevent the teeth we took the
lesser of two evils and John skins was put on board another ship and we had the
humility of escorting that man to the entrance of the Baltic Sea
these are the things of international Instinct that's going on all the time and you're not allowed to know a thing
about it as soon as the war was over hey well I'm not going to go into all
the details of the Russian Revolution but you know that Trotsky and then
didn't take over the powers of government in Russia now
there's a lot of people talk about 98 of those men that went to
Atlanta and Trotsky into Russia to user as far as the government being used
that's a perfectly correct statement if we use the word you as it will generally
used but remember this they enter Russia
in the August and September of 1916.
when lemon died in 1924 there was not a single manner of the first International
of the Communist Party Left Alive or out of anger except one or two
who were initiated as members of the Illuminati all mirrors after they served
their purpose were liquidated as happens to everybody
that serves the Illuminati whether they know it or not as soon as they have
served their purpose they're wiped out with a little Confunction that you and I wouldn't
swatted light now the narrative
has had been founded by Professor Carl wizard the same year 1848 of John Mark wrote
The Communist Manifesto had to be interested in the meant World
War II for the purpose of destroying the German Empire and reducing the strength of the British Empire so it was no
longer a world power and we'll know that that is exactly what happened but
according to the pike plan and this overall revolutionary blueprint it also
had to be used so that the political Zionist party would begin as sovereign state Palestine
where are the differences between political Zionism and the Arabs would and could be used to ferment World War
the Treaty of our state was deliberately driven in such a manner
that it facilitated those who were directing the world revolutionary movement of starting World War II when
they thought the time was right you find all kinds of documentation in their secret messages passing between
the heads of your government and Ours and let me tell you this
some friends of mine high-ranking British offices and some of your own
councilmen that everything within their bars to try and prevent World War II breaking out
they knew the details of this conspiracy as I'm explaining it to you
they went to prime minister Chamberlain and they told him that if he allowed
World War II to break out into a hot and shooting War that it would be continued until Britain
had been destroyed as a world power they even convinced
Chamberlain of the truth of their statements and that is why he went to
Munich and came back with his umbrella on the piece of paper saying peace in our time
but then Chamberlain was maneuvered into a position where he had to declare war
to keep the promise to the foolish people over the corridor incident you
know that the first months of that war foreign
any German targets other than strictly military targets that didn't suit these
bloodthirsty International gangsters that was too slow
so they gave Warner that Chamberlain had to be got rid of and Chamberlain didn't know what to do
he told Commander Ramsey a very highly decorated officer in Army intelligence
and a man who was a member of parliament for people share in Scotland he said if
you will only get any nationalities and what is going on behind the scenes
he says I will put a stop to this war
Ramsay approached a man in the American ambassador
and he told him if you will only give me compass and the
secret correspondence and signals that is passing between Churchill and Roosevelt
and let me happen just long enough to show the Prime Minister he says we land
this war and that clerk that Cipher clerk then is
requested in the hope that by so doing he could prevent World War II being
developed into the Holocaust that it was that man was Tyler Kim
that sealed not only Chamberlain's fate but it sealed the fate of all those
Patriots who were working in close cooperation with Captain Rama and the powers behind
the government insisted that the beat an election Churchill was elected prime
minister on February 8 1920 Sir Winston Churchill before his forced Acceptance
in the Illuminati wrote an article that was carried in The Illustrated Sunday Herald
from the days of Spartacus weishopt to those of Karl Marx he wrote to those of
Trotsky Russia belacon Hungary Rosa Luxembourg Germany and Emma Goldman
United States this worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow civilization and for
the reconstitution of society on the basis of Arrested Development of envious benevolence and impossible
equality has been steadily growing it played a definitely recognizable role in the
tragedy of the French Revolution it has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th
century and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the
underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads
and have become practically the Undisputed masters of that enormous Empire
the 12 o'clock is the day that May the 12th that he was elected prime minister
he gave the Royal Air Force orders that they was a bomb open towns and centers in Germany that night
at midnight he broke the previous driving Minister's promise for the
French president that would not do that at midnight on that same day he had the
secret priest that nobody knew or even in existence in England
great the homes of a 407 odds Patriots including animals of the British Navy
and they took them and their lives out of their beds in the middle of the
night and locked them up and Brixton prison without a charge or opportunity hit the trial and they kept the nurse
for four and a half years I'm not telling you a fairy I am holding
historical back the people of England have never been
allowed to know that yet and yet I have Admirals a very Bountiful with whom I am
in constant correspondence and I served with his brother in the
first world war on the same ship and I am every detail of everything that
happens about that Admiral Danville
with one of the finest and most capable British Admirals that
are country produced he was the greatest fighting at home that we had in the first world war he
fought in one more engagements in and around the Bible telling you land that any other British animal
he was four times decorated by the king with the highest Honors that could be conferred on him and after the war he
was put in charge of all Naval establishments and then made director of neighborhood intelligence
told me that he was 58 years of age before he
began to suspect that the secret power that seemed to be able to cause our governments to adopt
policies that led to their own destruction was the Illuminati after World War II that served its
purpose and Nazism has been used to serve the purpose of the Illuminati
those who had directed The War on the German side were Odin liquidated
but so it would be made me look legal and nice we had the Nuremberg trials
where they were legally murdered known anybody that served in a
high-ranking position in your meeting the Canadian Navy and the British Navy
know that we have to obey orders and those soldiers are given by the
politicians the civilians Admiral bacon
one of our British animals had the courage to right to Mr Churchill in the first world war and said sir
fighting the enemy is a pleasure fighting your few politicians is the
damnedest headache a man could inflict on himself that was what Admiral date and there was
one of these drunk old fellas and he didn't give a custom cussed for all the politicians this night of Haiti and he
wrote that to Mr Church now as a result of the second world war
the United Nations just one more step towards a wild world
gun your guns gave recognition to Soviet Russia and
was greatly followed by his brother if you remember the Boston race became
so powerful due to the 80 we had given them that we had to fight a war of
containment in 1919 1920 and 1921.
the conditions under which we fought was exactly the same as the conditions
your troops and our support and career this last four we were never alone
to give them a darn good licking as soon as we just pushed them back and got them
into where they couldn't where they were contained then we had to stop
we weren't allowed to deliver the Knockouts good Lord
as we know it today International communism could have been absolutely white skeleton Rush between 1919 and
1921 but that wasn't in accordance with white stocks or Pike's plan that plan
said it had to be built up until it equal then strength the hope of
United prisoner now is there any person in this organs can deny
that during World War II International communism was not built up until it
equaled in strength the hope of United president
what about gout s then
and because it suited the purpose of those directing International and free
at the top he got all he asked for and those that were working with it
the dream big men George Stalin was playing along with
I think history will prove the stone went so fast to agree that FDR
would be the first king despot
and when he double crossed FDR after he altered
that was the end of FDR you want to ask some of your own
intelligence no thank God I never took the old
I've been working at intelligence works of way back in 1912 and on every
occasion that I was brought into the intelligence Department I thank God
taking the open because
[Music] they never required me to take the oath and that's the only thing that left my
tongue loose so I could speak if you belong to intelligence to the FBI
or the Royal marketing now please you are not allowed
to divulge I never asked for any information working with a small tight-knit group we
gave them all the information that came into our hands
but I'm so close to intelligence that is the direct intelligence that I had my
own office in the intelligence department at Ottawa and I had one
sonographer delegated to all my typing and my wife and I are Godfather and
godmother to one officer who is director of Naval intelligence for a period of five years and another man
who is our highest ranking intelligence officer he and his wife are Godfather and God knows one Almighty so we've been
pretty closely with them I'd have the pleasure being the guest in the homes of nearly
all these men I'm talking and I've had the other Champions discussing this for them
they are not in the habit of volunteering information but if you ask
them a direct question all you have to do is look into their
eyes as I told the head commissioner of the mountain policeman we were having a conference one day he says you know I
can't talk note that I says you're a darn poor Focus there because after I ask you a question all I have to do is
look in your eyes and I can see the answer just glaring at me
well the progress towards the One World Government has been thickened so the
League of Nations was transferred to the United States now going back to where I began my story
and told you that this World revolutionary movements starred in
the celestial world when Lucifer challenged the right to almighty God to
be the supreme authority on the grounds of his plan to the rule of the universe
was weak and impractical because it was based on the planet
that led the beings could be taught to know him love him and serve him out of
respect for his infinite Perfections I told you that the luciferian plan
was to ensure peace and Law and Order by the enforcement of a totalitarian
dictatorship enforced by absolute pleasures that theory is what is being put into
Force here today the people that we are so proud to say Young and the country
are not going to have any faith unless we educate
and make them understand that we are in the semi-final stage
now you'd say it's too late because we have the words of our Lord Jesus Christ
who told us that if we would go out and teach our lady the truth and the hope of
Truth knowledge of the truth which set us free from the bonds with which we are
being bound by the luciferian conspiracies
this isn't a racial or religious or a political matter
because in the final analysis the satanic
forces will divide those the five final
social upheaval into just two classes the brilliant minded ones that have
trotted and planned all this will be the rulers and all the rest will be those
that they enslaved it's next to everything but the more you
study all angles of this conspiracy you find out that the brilliant minded International
gangsters that think out all the details of the various aspects of this conspiracy are
financed by being awarded Noble private Alfred Nobel
was the inventor of dynamites that has killed more people in Wartime than any
other weapon ever invented the Nobel Peace Prize has been won by such men as Linus
Pauling and Martin Luther King and the Peace Prize is an instrument
used by the conspirators to carry on their work
Mr what's his name and the Methodist Minister he was given 45
000 to work inside the religious thing not long ago birds of Russell was Award
of the Nobel Prize for his book the impact of science on society
I know Brock Chisholm person he was the minister of Health for Canada before he
was appointed as Canada's debt Chief delegate to the United Nations it hasn't been very long in the United
Nations when he was named president of the World Health Organization which you
know by the three letters who who after he had put the internationalists
brains but their ideas into actual practice within the World Health
Organization he then was made director as president of the United Nations
mental health organizations
says there's only one way to use the human
cancer it has reduced the whole lot to one
common denominative and to bring them mix them up get one
drink big mass and mongrelized humanity and then put them under the Yoke of
absolute slavery and it says you won't have any more Wars through evolution
well that sounds logic if the ruling Plus
it's similarly no valid almighty God how to rule the universe get away with what
they're working at all the rest will be classified as going
and the word g-o-y-i-n does not mean gender
it means human cancer that is the definition of that word this way of work
is confusing everybody the whole diabolical plan is depends on
the Agents of the Illuminati causing bigotry hate
on religious the living economic any other major Bishop so that they can get
us divided soil as each other's throats now I've mentioned that when this
conspiracy has developed to the final stage that is after World War III that
the greatest social characterism in the world has ever known is to be provoked
by the Illuminati before I read you Pikes letter of
instruction to mazzini telling him exactly how this Final Phase was to be put into operation
I just want to mention that World War III was scheduled to
start Christmas week 1957. [Music]
I had called that shot years and years
you'll find it in the books that were published years ago so I just couldn't think it up out of my head tonight
I said that if we permitted World War III to be developed as intended the year
1960 would be the years of no return you'll find those statements in my book
I have no reason to withdraw them or eat the quality I watched
what was going on in certain areas of this world and where
I couldn't deserve the things personally friends of mine help
why not and the Pike and both said that those brilliant-minded
International gangsters that were determined to enslave the Lesser beings
were to provide for their own safety and protection by establishing sanctuaries
before each of the succeeding Wars broke out and that pattern has been contained
ever since the French Revolution which broke out in 1789 in no Revolution if the French
revolutions and there's been terrible the Spanish revolutions the German revolutions the British revolutions your
American Revolutions the army or any other Revolution have any of our all of
the members of the Illuminati or their families being harmed no one has their properties
they were always safely hidden away in sanctuary that is why Switzerland
was the biggest sanction of the month it was made a mutual country so those
directing both sides of the wars could meet and discuss how they would continue
them or bring them to an end
with it aspect of the atomic bomb they just didn't know what to do because
before they could let the masses use Atomic
weapons and nerve gas to destroy themselves and still greater numbers
they had to know what part of the Earth's surface was safe into their own miserable highest
they couldn't afford to get contaminated with atomic Fallout
or to be burnt with nerve gas which means death
so what would they do after the two bombs were exploded on the
neck attacking Hiroshima they started the stairs of appearance explosions all
over the world Britain Soviet Russia Australia United States
whose governments are all controlled at the top by these devils and human form they
popped off a bomb here they popped off the bottom there and they had the nucleus scientists all over the world
measuring the atomic Fallout so that they could find impossible
places in which they could be perfectly safe
while we were cutting each other's throats near the ear
it is not generally moved but Germany could have won World War II
has done for nothing else these Illuminati that
were behind in the government of Germany has strict instructions the German
Empire and the Nazi party were to be destroyed and I did finally remember a of the
American High command to deny this statement the German company had sufficient mirrored gas stockpile
two years before the war ended to have wiped out the whole population of
Britain France and the United States had they been allowed to use it now there
yet is the most Lethal Weapon the satanic inspiration
as a naval the ninth of man to discover this it is nothing more or less than the pure
essence a chlorine gas and it is so different
and so damage in his characteristics that if one single drop
even though it's behind the dilute comes in contact with the Flesh of any living
creature it will travel along the nerve trucks
and paralyze the breathing apparatus and thus cause death there is only one
antidote to that and that is absolutely but after being would have to be
injected immediately the first strangling sensation was experienced and you would
have to keep them reacting it until you could get out of the contaminated area and get further medic with us
the members of the Armed Forces of your country might have been equipped with absenteen outfits
but what about the civilian population now one of the devilish features of
nerve gas into this you can wipe out the population of
Chicago or New York or any big Canadian city and not the one single dollars worth of
property damages now all there's enough about the fear of
atomic bombs is just getting the masses into a state appearance of them
and agreed that is essential to contain Russia or something else to have another
world war these men that have the wealth and the power in their hands
and secretly administer that far behind the scenes of government and not going
to destroying billions and billions of dollars worth of property
when they can take over by using a few dollars worth of chlorine
gas they call it nerve gas because they figured it would interfere
with their idea to promote authorization if the public got to know the nerve gas
is nothing but the pure essences chlorine gas and gaseous form
after studying the weather conditions that had prevailed over 50 years
and studying the atomic Fallout and the deposits nerve gas and theories
very quick 48 Hours it loses its deadly
characteristics and an invading Army could move into a place of being traded
in 48 hours but there is a residue which collects in the clouds and is
brought to Earth the same as one Atomic Polo is by precipitating and praying
now in 1955 the year that I was starting to
publish these two books the scientists had reached the conclusion that one part of the world
that was saved was that area bounded by Southern Florida the islands
of the Caribbean Sea and the British West Indies as soon as that was secretly known all
the big multi-multi-millionaires started
the most intense building operations this country has ever known
the chairman of the Aluminum Company of Americans to Davis
bought Ten Thousand Acres on the Isle of Pines and proceeded to turn it into one
of the most luxurious hideaways where he and his top level
members of the Illuminati can live in this is not straight away we were waking
each other off the face of the Earth Britain was so concerned about the
increase of population in the West Indies that they financed the movement of around 250 000 West
Indians out of the island and moved them into England and Canada they referred
told them it was to improve their conditions now AP Taylor the wolves and
controls the Brewers Gathering
and a group of their International gangsters that control the Canadian
government's policy just as another group controls yours they formed The Syndicate the first
empty with 15 million dollars and they started to build a racial Resorts
throughout the West Indies and other islands of the Caribbean Sea a bunch of
your Chicago financiers and others extended Miami right down until it reaches Mountain Key
West Africa let's be called the safe area
it's a good job my nurse when I was a kid dropped me on my head because she
developed such a bump of curiosity that I've never recovered in private yet and knowing what was in the wind I had to go
down there and see for myself what was going on that is what took me down to Florida at
the February of 1957 and what did we find
they were organizing water transports between the island they were taking
cargo ship loads of preserved and 10 foods and start piling them throughout
the area they were building great big water condensers so in case of droughts or
lack of precipitation they can have the sea water turned into drinking water
finding Davis was at the back at that
Reclamation program in which thousands and thousands of Acres of Marshland in
Florida was drained and cultivated and Jim so it became fertile ground for
growing what you call Market vegetables small fruits imagine
200 000 headed cattle were transferred from
Texas into the ranches of Florida so they were measure of a meat Supply
when that amounts of cattle breathing and the fish that were available in the
ocean and the coastal Waters they were quite satisfied that with their ability to grow their
own fruit and vegetables raise the road meat catch their own
taste that added to the tremendous amount of
Staples that Explorer and other things that have been chipped into that area by an ocean-going
Garden Festival would make them absolutely self-contained
now because these men always like to make a project painting themselves
they rented all this luxurious accommodation that was built in 5556 two
tours and they were quite willing to take them
for all they've got to make them taste through the nose for this luxurious living
and they were quite welcome to pay the shot until they wanted to move down in
there and they had all planned how they get rid of them so that they could occupy it
the vacation accommodation they call the general strike of Hotel
employees and all the people in those luxurious
Resorts couldn't get any kind of service so the people that owned were very
apologetic and they preserve them all out and as soon as they got rid of them
every plane leaving these Northern Air Force were charged to try the big boys
down there to take over the accommodation of the beatification
by heaven we have some of my friends keep your record
of who we're charging the planes and the people that were going on just the same as we checked those that were landing at
Georgia airport for the Saint Simon's Island
and amongst the people that had their own planes charges to take them down
south just before Christmas with the hand of your International unions that have done all the
negotiations of amalgamate the unions at the top not only the American but the
Canadian they both had private plans for the whole bunch of the top fellows who have been serving the international
and the neighbor let him get away with it goodness gracious me I know how stupid
people can get it's so obvious and then when the whole thing was ready
and somebody was going to press the button the Lord entered into the picture and
took a stand and you never saw the fight of it and all your born days I've
traveled all over the world and I never saw anything like it almost done
just one at the end of the damper the earliest and most severe Frost and sharp
Florida in 50 years hit and the papaya cheese just wilted they
brushed out covered them as long as color them honey didn't do any good they were flat on the ground next day every
blessed one was wiped out the fruit and vegetables that were just
getting to maturity for the Christmas Market were wiped out completely that
wasn't enough in the radish or lettuce left and the rain started to fall and the
wind started to blow from every direction other than it was expected
and there was such complete chaos as far as where the conditions were concerned that they fired the plural metrologists
at Stanford because he couldn't call the shots 12 hours in the night so they fired him and they brought the top tele
dancing Washington and when he got down there all he did was hold his head and he couldn't predict what the weather was
going to be 24 hours so they have to call
the war of two men oh we would just say take home more up living the storms they
thought these weather conditions couldn't Prevail much longer and you
know it was such a presentation of rain that before us
in Florida [Music]
for such that 76 000 headed cattle died
76 000 ten of capitalized the next thing that happened
Christmas week came you never saw us as beautiful weather in your life everybody was down on the beach just swimming and
bathing the seven days we had perfect weather then the Angels put pulled out the plug
again and the water came down and the wind started to blow and the temperature was all around I was fortunate
I was so convinced that something like this had happened I had a great big hand
knitted Woolen coat and you know I've been stopped a dozen times on the street by people then I'll give you 40 bucks
for that food everybody thought there was nuts when I went down there with a great day hand knitting
but boys I was comfortable when others people were freezing to them and then the second France wiped out the
next crop just as it was ready for Market and the cattle started to start that
there wasn't enough grass left on the past 11 and before they could organize
an emergency feeding program they had to pull the grapefruit to crop and take
those great big wagons that carry about 10 tons and dump them in the passages and the castle was so hungry they just
munched grapefruit to keep alive and that is a truth and there's thousands of
people can support that statement then the most mysterious thing of the
whole episode happened the station that was so abundant in the coastal Waters in
the islands and around the coast they disappeared to the lord-nosed work and
he won't tell you couldn't catch enough fish in a couple of hours to supply five or six
families and when the fishing boats would go out and bring great big cargos a lovely fishing they couldn't find the
dishes they even put electronic devices and their boats and
went out 300 miles to see to try and locate the fish shows no good
40 percent of those that own commercial fishing boats and charger ports went
bankrupt and the finances took over their votes 40 percent
then just to make sure there wouldn't be any in the beginning of 1958
as the third Trump was ready for the market the Lord sent another cross and
wiped that it was the latest Frost that's ever been recorded so we were suckers that were down there
getting the information about myself staying 35 cents ahead for lettuce and
29th moved piece of the cucumbers and so on all the way down the line lane has displayed the
food that we people we deserved through California and Mexico unless what happened down in Florida
but the scientist said that the flurries would dwell down was brought down house
the clouds by the rain and it has accumulated from the smoke from Catholic
chemical factors that the smoke had gone up and lodged in the cloud and these
unprecedented downforce of rain and released it and dropped it on the
grass and the passages well I don't believe that because I know that
they were frantically taking tests of Spanish moths and every other thing I
had dark business I could rely on and they were watching all these tests and they just did not
know what was to happen the United Nations was taking up the matter of stopping at
Birth Atomic tests because of this Atomic Fallout that is what's going on
in this world no we started to show that the
conditions which we experienced today started in the Supernatural world are
conducted by men who are inspired by the satanic forces the purposes to prevent
us putting God's plan into operation so his will can be done
here in heaven and what have you today in the United Nations God has been kicked out of politics and
the name of God is rarely used except as blasphemy or oath on the lips of power
mouth deep but the scriptures tell us that
God is a jealous of God and I'm quite bad that he has taken
measure of the satanic forces that work in this world and the feverish haste through
which they are trying to bring their devilish plan and to its final
stage shows that they think time is running out
now it's all very well saying well don't
worry gone through the castle God has a habits of helping those who
have concerns he told us that if we were here that the word and not do it in the
word it was available as nothing if the truth has been made known to us
it is our duty to pass that truth on to as many other human beings upon
because whether or not we can help this devilish conspiracy before
God has to intervene to Save All Flesh being destroyed or not
by making the truth known to our neighbors we can at least open
their eyes and make them realize what is going on told me to can become their
land of almighty God that is the duty we will not be judged
according to the results that we achieve we will be judged according to the amount of efforts we
put into serving his holy will during the term of our
life on this Earth very ladies and gentlemen you have a
picture now I just want to read this institution
Albert Pike [Music] um August the 15th
1871 wrote a letter of instruction to mazzini
telling him what I have told you and his concluding paragraph raises
follows we the Illuminati shall unleash the nearest
an atheist and we shall provoke a formidable social capitalism which
enormous horror will show clearly to the Nations the effects of absolute atheism
origin of sanitary and the most bloody term then everywhere the citizens advice to
defend themselves against the world minority or revolutionaries will exterminate those destroyers and
civilizations and the multitude there's illusion with Christianity
which will be from that moment without Compass Resurrection anxious for an
ideal but without knowing where to render evaluation will receive the true life through the
universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer drawn finally out in the public View
a manifestation which will result from the general
reactionary movements which will follow the destruction of Christianity and
Atheism both concrete and externally with at the same time
the word of God is used by these luciferians
just the same as we use the word god on July the 14th 1889
I had to correct the beliefs to some of his leaders in the new familian life who
were Satan worship so he wrote this letter of instructions
that which we must say to the masses of the crowd as we worship God
but it is the god that one adores without the suspicion the Masonic
religion should be by all of us initiates at the highest degrees
maintained in the purity of the lusitarian Dutch now I respond to
receipt Nations up to the 32nd and 33rd degree do not know of
about the details of this thought until recently and therefore they cannot be made in the
original writings of the ordinal text of the Illuminati there are nine paragraphs that deal with how Freemasonry and other
secret societies uh to be wiped out after the Illuminati
have been established thirdly the king despot of the world so they don't play
any favor everybody except their own little place are to be either wiped out the subjugate
Lenin says it didn't matter 75 of the world's population was liquidated as
long as they controlled the other 25 percent referring to this God what we say to the
crowd is we worship God but it is the gods of command doors without superstition
skip the next person the muslimic religion sh

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