Fireside Chat

2 years ago

Jake and Mason sit by the fire as the sun sets to discuss all kinds of random stuff. Originally recorded on 2/19/2023.

Jake @zenraged
Mason @mcnaughty1997

0:00 Or nah?
0:31 Oil change
2:23 Simple life
2:32 Mason wants Jake to love him
2:46 Jake's like a white woman
3:20 Snapchat is garbage
3:48 Mason's phone case
4:07 Back to Snapchat
4:24 Temperature
5:05 The burp
5:46 Drink some more beer
6:01 Framing
6:40 Mason uses a bad word
7:11 Can't get rid of words
7:30 Atheists are more religious than Christians
8:32 Woke puritans
9:45 What are you checking on?
9:56 Mason poses for thumbnail
10:19 Mason puts his hand in fire
10:52 Back to the bad word
12:15 Mason's hungry
12:49 Words don't offend people
13:43 If you care, somethings wrong with you
14:06 Thanks for tuning in
14:35 Behind the scenes

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