Quick & Easy Way to Become a Victim

1 year ago

If we fixate on the trouble we're in or the sinful decisions that people make that affect us, we will swirl the drain of disappointment, leading to despair and anger. There is no satisfying answer for why people sin and how it affects us, but there is a solution:

God is writing a grander narrative in His story of redemption.

Suppose we don't see this "double reality" of (1) our trouble and (2) God's greater narrative but can only complain about what is happening to us. In that case, we will become the victims on the "ground level" while never perceiving the whole "upper level" story, the one God is writing.

I wish I could make a person's pain and disappointment go away. I wish I could stop folks from making dumb choices, but I can't. However, my inability to prevent sin from happening is not the whole answer. I recognize that I can't manipulate (or wish) holy responses from others.

But I do know that despite their unholy choices, God will use sin sinlessly, which must ultimately bring me comfort, even though it leads to the destruction of some, i.e., in the Red Sea. There is much mystery and complexity here, but there is also truth, and sometimes, truth is not convenient to how we want things to be.

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