Packing Survival Camper & Melanies Office Camper

8 years ago

After getting the old survival truck camper on a trailer I had to put a trailer jack on. Later Melanie and I packed our gear into our respective campers.

If you missed the last two videos where we put the truck camper on a trailer, please go back and watch them. It was quite a job.

Chris and I next put air in the tires to bring them up off the ground better. One tire is brand new but the other is old and was sagging a bit.

We used the Vaiair air compressor which is quite powerful and very useful.

I had to get a trailer jack for the trailer and mount it. The trailer was light enough for me to pull around the property alone before. But now with the truck camper on it, this is way too heavy to lift up alone.

Next we had a very late lunch inside the off grid tiny house on wheels. Melanie provided us a meal from our own garden with fish that we caught ourselves. It really feels good to be able to provide food for ourselves this year. Chris had joined us for a meal inside today.

Melanie finished cleaning out her new camper. She is very happy with this. It is bright and full of windows. It is a very nice camper and we will close in the side walls tomorrow.

Melanie and I loaded our gear into our campers while Chris worked on the chicken coop.

Melanie put her craft supplies and extra household and kitchen things into her new craft camper. I put all my survival gear into the survival truck camper once again.

This old truck camper has served me well through the years. Sadly it got damaged a while back and I had to put it on a trailer. I will no longer take this camper on the road. It will stay at home and hold our survival and camping gear.

Later when we were done packing our campers I joined Chris at the chicken coop. He had been nailing upright boards on tree stumps. Then I helped him get deer netting over the top of the chicken coop to prevent the birds from flying out.

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