Lots Of Work At The Off Grid Homestead & A Surprise Video Clip

8 years ago

There was a lot going on out here at The Off Grid Project the last few days. We had our guests over for a couple days and they came this morning to say goodbye before heading back home.

During their stay we tried to get the truck camper up on jacks and on a trailer but we could not get the camper up high enough to get the jacks under it safely. The truck camper jacks are quite long and hang below the camper quite far. The jack on one side is broken and cannot be used so we were going to use the cherry picker on that side. We propped up the jacks on the other side and put tires underneath the camper. But then we had too much pressure and weight to overcome to get the other side lifted up. The cherry picker was pulling itself over to the camper and the arm was going to smash through the camper window.

So we had to leave it for now and think of another plan. It has been suggested that I jack up the front of the camper and use a come along to pull the camper onto a trailer. I will try this next time.

We have an excess of goat milk so we are making cheese again to use some of it up. Soft cheese is very simple. You heat the milk to 180 degrees F and then pour in a cup of white vinegar per gallon of milk. I let it cool a bit while stirring occasionally while the milk curdles.

Once the curds are all set, we pour it through a cheese cloth in a strainer which is set over a large pot. The pot catches all the whey left over and the cheese cloth catches the curds. Let it sit and drip for 8 hours and then refrigerate or add herbs and spices and then refrigerate. You can then use it immediately.

The next morning Chris and I were working hard on the wood piles for our winter heat at the off grid tiny house on wheels.

Melanie surprised me by recording a video clip of two humming birds that were enjoying her flowers. This is so cute. The birds are really spending a lot of time with the flowers and even the corn in our garden. Melanie loves them very much and did a good job capturing them on video.

Melanie's flowers are really looking good this year and next year will be even better. I gave her some mulch to put in her flower bed and the contrast of colors really looks good.

I took out the push mower that I had repaired this spring and put on the bag to capture the grass cuttings. Each day I mow a little bit of the meadow and give the clippings to the goats and chickens. This saves us on hay costs.

We had the goats out foraging today for a couple hours. They really ate a lot of grass but they complain the entire time because they want to stay in their home area.

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