Extreme Homestead Cleanup & Moving Campers Away

8 years ago

All three of us pitched in and we got the campers moved out of the front yard and cleaned up the entire area. It was a good day of hard work with a rewarding view after.

In the morning it was sunny so I went to look at the solar panels. I have not see the sun yet in about 6 days so we are waiting to see the difference dropping those trees made.

But the clouds soon moved in and there was no more sun. But we did get some quantity of rain the other day and got half a tank of water in the water storage tanks. It must have rained in the night because I had just showed the empty tanks on video.

I still wanted a water pump for emergency so we never get stranded again so I went off with Chris to a friend who collects and sells junk. We found a sump pump for $20 which I tested in the creek and then brought home.

We also took him our log splitter tires. He will swap the tires for us for a tiny fraction of what they will charge in town.

We are still looking for a high flow gas engine powered water pump for filling our water tanks as needed. This year we had a bit of a drought and even when it rained, it did not really drop anything on us. It moistened the area like a mist but with no quantity.

Many of you remember the previous years out here I was always flooded in a rain and had way too much water for my off grid tiny house on wheels. But this year it has been rough.

While we were on the road it started to rain some more though. We were torn between celebrating the badly needed rain or being upset because we are working hard at cleaning up the off grid homestead.

Chris and I managed to get Melanie's camper moved out back first. This was the easy one since it is empty and light weight. We are putting the two campers out in the back, behind the meadow for now until we get the trees cleared where they will be staying permanently.

Next came the truck camper. We had to work a bit on this one since there was so much stuff around it. And just removing the jacks and stablilizers took time.

I eventually got the truck camper turned around and backed it into its place beside Melanie's camper. For now they are out of the way but still accessible.

Next we continued to clean up the front yard outside the off grid tiny house on wheels. For the first time since I started to build the tiny home I can see the side of it. The truck camper has been parked here for a year and a half.

I can see the tongue of the trailer now.

It sure looks good to see the front yard clearing out now.

Chris and I were hauling things while Melanie was raking up the leaves and taking them to the garden. We are putting all the leaves out there and then we will spread them over the garden for the winter so they can decay and provide fertilizer.

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