We Discovered a 17 Year Old Nintendo DS Easter Egg!

2 years ago

Seriously, if you knew about this, why didn't you tell me? We just discovered an Easter Egg Nintendo incorporated into the DS version of Yoshi's Island DS that, well, it took us from 2006 to 2023 to discover. Yes, we feel dumb.

We just ordered a copy of Yoshi's Island DS from the amazing team over at Japan Retro Direct. For only $7.99 for the game, instruction manual, and case, this was a great game and value to have in my collection. When I was filming the YouTube Short discussing the fact that DS Games are region-free (which you can see here - https://youtube.com/shorts/aNj1Lm7WyBc?feature=share), I discovered something I didn't know existed. While it may be considered an Easter Egg, perhaps it's more appropriate to call it a Yoshi's Egg.

See, the clamshell design of the DS has reminded many (including myself) of the Star Trek Communicator, which it makes noises when you open or close it. Yes, I did add this tone to my Palm Pre, Pre 2, and Veer so that when the phone slid open it made the communicator chirp. Well, not that nerdy, if you have the DS version of Yoshi's Island, close the system with the game in and powered on.

Go Ahead.

I'll wait.

Did you do it? Did you hear it? If so, it's amazing! Kudos to Nintendo for having these fun sounds added into the system and the game is nothing short of amazing. It doesn't add to the gameplay, the story, or anything along those lines, but it still adds a nod to the player that this is supposed to be fun, good clean fun. Hearing Yoshi when you open or close the system is simply fun, and I love everything about it!

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