Jimbo's Junk Mail

2 years ago

Disgraced high school history teacher, James O'Flannery (aka ProfJimbo), responds to questions submitted to him on Twitter.

0:16 - Ginger or Mary Ann?
0:47 - What's another word for pirate treasure?
1:10 - Why is ProfJimbo so grumpy?
1:21 - What is just the right amount of government?
2:27 - What should Sun Yat-Sen have done to neuter Yang Janjing and his followers?
2:56 - Is it true that "Revolting French" is both historically AND hygienically accurate?
3:10 - Who is your favorite president?
4:00 - Is it *** for a guy to say good morning to another guy?
4:43 - Do you think its possible for the average American man to handle the amount of alcohol that George Washington and his guest drank during his fairwell party in 1787?
5:04 - One way ticket back to the past - where would you go?
5:40 - Why did you wuss out on the swearing?
6:28 - Should we repeal the 19th Amendment?

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