JOHN MARTIN - In conversation - ET Intelligences and more - The EKLECTIA Album 16 2 23

2 years ago

This 55 minute conversation will be part of the American element of The Eklectia Documentary. John Martin is a wonderful classical guitarist, with a strong leaning in things spiritual.

He is a wonderful communicator of not only the music, but his Ambassadorship for humanity to the ET Intelligences. John's loving demeanour and attitude bring about some sublime and beautiful interactions, not least being the heart motif they - those other intelligences leave in their wake, in visiting John at his property, by way of acknowledgement of his intentions to anchor love, peace and a more open, accepting way of thinking towards those of other life streams, and it would behove us all to take a leaf out of his book, along with Kevin Estrella, the Canadian contactee, whose music also features on the Eklectia album.

This is a great stepping stone - to hear John's story and perceptions along with his enduring intention to 'hold the line' - to keep the light, the love foremost in his thoughts as he shares his talent as a classical guitarist, both telepathically and actually.

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John's TikTok channel: Johnmartin1779

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