How well does our homemade altimeter work?

2 years ago

We started building this altimeter 2 years ago and we launched it for the first time last year. Now we want to validate its data and make sure we can trust it in the future.

HOW TO BUILD: I do not have wiring diagram at the moment, but please look at the overview, instructions, and diagrams of the MPL3115A2 altimeter
MPL3115A2 diagram and overview:
Instead of using the SCL and SDA pins on the arduino, you can just use the A4 and A5 pins
You can use any data logger, but you'll need to figure out how to wire it.
You should also use capacitors just to be safe.
When you actually get to logging data, I would recommend not logging pressure and temperature because they slow down the logging.
I put my code in github. It's a bit messy but it works:
You'll also need the library I used:

0:00 Intro
0:38 Overview
1:15 Sorry Zeph
1:54 First launch
2:48 Second launch
4:21 Conclusion

#modelrockets #space

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