AIR HORN PRANK | Sa subrang lakas ng busina pumasok ang tao sa luob ng bintan

2 years ago

Air horn pranks are an hilarious way to mess with your friends, family, or random strangers. Whether you're looking for a laugh at home or trying to prank unsuspecting targets on the street, air horns can provide sneaky thrills like no other. All you need are some air horns and a sense of humor! Set up fun scenarios such as walking past someone in the park, or positioning yourself next to your friend as they take a photo – wherever and however you choose, unleashing an air horn is guaranteed to shock anyone near enough. Items such as earplugs might be necessary for anyone who still feels uncomfortable about getting pranked. So if you’re feeling adventurous and want to play around with people’s reactions, air horn pranks are sure to surprise and delight!

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