The Proverbs 31 Woman Was a Prepper! | How To Be More Spiritually Prepared

2 years ago

Thanks for stopping by Torah Led Homestead!

This video is part of a collaboration with:

Amy at Torah Sisters:
Raquel at Women Living Torah:
Michelle at Yeshua's Way/Biblical Lifestyle: 

All are talking about the Proverbs 31 woman on their channels this week. Please visit them!

Bible believing women hear a lot about the Proverbs 31 woman. I've read, heard, and taught about her many times myself. In fact, I've heard about her so often that I sometimes get really sick of hearing about the Proverbs 31 woman. Why did God insist on including these 21 verses in His Word? If we were to read these things in a magazine article about a woman alive today, how would we react? Today I hope to give you a new insight to this Biblical example of a capable woman!

My email: sarah @ torahledhomestead (dot) com

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