Jimmy Dore: What Scares the Establishment More Than Anything Is a Unified People

2 years ago

"What's happening right here at this rally is what actually scares the hell out of the establishment: everybody from the left, everybody from the right, everybody from the middle coming together to realize that we have more in common than divides us, and we share a common enemy. That enemy is the military-industrial complex and the oligarchy. The same oligarchy that did a controlled demolition of our economy, and then they want me to hate my neighbor for the pain I'm feeling because they wouldn't take the vaccine that didn't work the way they said it did in the first f*cking place. Well, I'm not gonna hate my neighbor; I'm gonna love my neighbor."

Full Rally: https://rumble.com/v2a3i10-rage-against-the-war-machine-anti-war-rally-live-news-coverage-.html

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