Give stray cats like Grumpy a chance to be loved

2 years ago

Please support this compassion fund today, so more animals can be helped like Grumpy tomorrow ➡️

On Saturday, Feb. 18, 2023, I made a horrifying discovery and saw a VERY sick black stray cat laying in some grass. I wasn't sure if someone had hit the cat with a car, if it had been poisoned, or what-it wasn't moving and appeared severely injured and dying. I ran in my home and grabbed a cat carrier and a towel, was able to maneuver the cat into the carrier, and then rushed it to an emergency vet.

The vet initially didn't give me a great prognosis, but I needed to try to save him. I thought-If this was my kitty at home, would I try? Absolutely! A helpless, homeless kitty shouldn't be shown any less, especially what "life on the streets" for stray cats entails.

This young kitty was riddled with respiratory infection, kidney infection, dehydration, maggots, a back injury, extremely low calcium, extremely high kidney values, he couldn't maintain his body temperature, he was losing his vision, high acidity, low calcium, high phosphorus, metabolic abnormalities, etc.

After the first 24 hours, 2 of the vets agreed that the kitty was not improving, and things were getting worse. They only gave him a 5% chance to live. I had to make the horrible decision to put him down. I named him "Grumpy," (on behalf of another kitty) so he would not die without a name. I pet his head and talked to him, until the end, so he knew at least someone cared about him. It turns out that knowing an animal for even a few minutes seems to hurt as much as it does when you know them for years.

The bill for the 24 hours was $4,200. They provided blood tests, IV's, urine tests, antibiotics, supportive care, medications, electrolytes, ECG, etc.

I am hoping for help from the public, so I can continue to fight against other animals being hurt or killed.

This kitty should have been safe indoors, with a loving family, but instead, endured a terrifying and agonizing death. I am urging anyone with compassion to help, and possibly save a life.

Some people consider free-roaming cats to be “pests.” Across the country, these cats are shot, poisoned, and taken by angry residents. They’re also mutilated, drowned, beaten, set on fire, used in ritual sacrifice, or used by dog-fighters as “bait.”

Please commit to compassion.

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