Canning Squash ~ New Off Grid Water Heater ~ Made Saw Buck

8 years ago

We are canning the monster squash that we bought recently. We have a new propane water heater. And I built a sawbuck to help cutting trees and logs with the chain saw.

I helped Melanie process the monster squash that we recently bought. It weighed 17.5 pounds and fed us four meals plus we got 8 quarts canned.

Outside I made a sawbuck using the lumber Chris and I recently picked up this summer. This is all 2x6 lumber and it made a perfect sawbuck for working with my chainsaw.

I have been gathering up the ends of trees that are too hard to safely cut on the ground. There is no real easy way working directly on the ground.

So I built the sawbuck using all free materials that I had on hand. Then I cut up a mess of the tree ends that I had laying around. The new sawbuck makes the work go fast and easy. Watch for the video, coming up next...

I have a new propane water heater. This is a hot water on demand heater. This means that there is no wasted energy. The heater provides hot water on the fly when you turn on the hot water faucet. When you turn it off, the burner shuts off.

I was using an Ecotemp model 5 but that burnt out on me after only a few short showers. I had purchased it in winter and did not install it until spring. It went out after the guaranty expired. So all summer Melanie and I used solar water heaters for our shower water.

But winter is coming fast and we needed hot water on demand.

I have the Marey 2.7 gpm propane tankless hot water heater. This unit is supposed to be able to provide hot water to three sources at one time.

It has a digital display which shows the incoming water temperature and the outgoing water temperature when it is running.

It took me quite a while to connect my new tiny house water heater because this one is larger than the old one I was using. I had to route all my fittings with new PEX tubing. This meant a trip into town because I ran out of PEX clamps.

Eventually I got the fittings all in place. I have a garden hose attachment on the output of the off grid tiny house water pump which we use a lot. This line has its own on-off valve. Just the other day I used a garden hose to wash out my second tiny house rain water collection tank.

So this had to stay. I cut the output line of the water pump and put in a T connector with another valve which runs to the new off grid water heater.

The output of the water heater had to be changed as well because the original one was too short.

When I got everything in place I put teflon tape on the fittings and tightened them up.

Now it was time to test things out.

I had Melanie inside the off grid tiny house on wheels. I was in the rain water and battery shed. Melanie would turn the water on or off while I tried to figure out why we had no hot running water in the tiny house.

Eventually I found out two things. The lines in the water heater had to be filled with water and all the air bubbles had to get out. This took some time.

Next I learned that this unit is made for much larger homes and I had to reduce the water flow and heat settings in order for it to sense the water coming from my tiny house RV water pump.

But I got it working and we had hot water on demand inside the off grid tiny house once more.

The water is so hot it steams coming out of the faucet. This was so exciting.

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