Coffee Chat With Marc And Farewell

8 years ago

Marc and I finished framing in the off grid greenhouse and built a deck out in front of it. Next we took a coffee break on our newly built deck and had a chat.

We both worked very hard on this project. Marc pushed himself very hard in order to get it done due to the long drive over here. It was better to put in long days rather than drive around so much.

So we both hurt each night when the work was done. This is 40 year old recycled treated lumber and it is very heavy.

The two of us put in some longer days. We worked about six hours one day. Ten hours another day. With this heavy wood you sure do feel it in the end of the day.

But we got it done and now we can sit back on the deck that we build and enjoy our work. I keep staring at the greenhouse all the time. I am so excited to get this project finished so that we can start growing some winter vegetables this year.

Up here we get a deep freeze and everything dies in the winter. With a half insulated and heated greenhouse we will be able to grow some food through the entire winter. And Melanie can grow some flowers as well.

Our job is done now and Marc is going back home.

Thank you very much Marc for all the help and thank you for a great job.

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