Riches not of this world (The rich fool, Luke 12:13-21)

2 years ago

Riches not of this world (The rich fool, Luke 12:13-21)
According to a google search, the Kuwait Dinar is the most valuable currency in the world. At the time of writing this blog it was valued at 3.26 US dollars meaning that it would take $326,000 to buy 100,000 Kuwaiti Dinar. It is worth more than three times our US dollar, but it still pales in comparison to the currency of Heaven which cannot be valued by earthly means. Currency is what makes our world go around whether it is the dollar, dinar, euro, yen, or whatever other currency you can think of, money moves people and makes things happen. You can fix almost any problem if you have the finances available to move the mountains that stand in your way of success. This is the way our world works but this is the exact opposite of how the Kingdom of God works. When Jesus says in verse 21 of our parable, that this individual was not rich toward God, He was letting us know that building a bank account does not impress the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. The currency of Heaven is Faith based, the more Faith in God they have, the fuller our eternal bank account becomes. Our faith drives us to give our time, choices, words, and earthly possessions up so the Kingdom of God can grow and expand as we seek His Kingdom to Come and His will to be done on this earth. (Matthew 6:10)
The currency of Faith leads us to not trust in treasures that we can see or touch but instead to trust that our reward will come after we leave this life and step into eternity. We build the currency of Faith by continually renewing our minds by exposing ourselves to the Word of God like it says in Romans 10:17, Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. The deeper we dive into the Word of God and the more we surround ourselves with it, the more our faith grows and the closer we become to God. We begin to take the limits off God as our faith grows and we simply believe Him to do what His word says he will do for us. Do not get caught up in the rat race of life where the person with the biggest and best toys are winners and those without are losers. Instead of falling into this trap, build an eternal portfolio where your faith in God is continually making deposits that will never fail or fade. The god of this world, Satan, wants us to fall in love with the pursuit of riches that will bring happiness but all they really bring is unsatisfaction and the desire for more. Seek the riches not of this world, seek a relationship with the One who can provide them, and seek the truth of God above all things.

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