Phil Schneider on the endgame & the Alien agenda

2 years ago

THE ALIEN AGENDA: Do not be deceived, “Aliens” are in fact Fallen Angels and are prophesied as frog like unclean spirits in Rev 16:13. There is a massive deception and delusion coming upon the earth, which shall begin in the beginning days of the Great Tribulation, involving these so called “aliens”. It is a plan that was set into motion years ago, and it is for this reason why the Illuminati has litteraly produced hundreds if not thousands of alien Movies, TV shows, books, commercials, etc...throughout the past decades, for not only the purpose of predictive programming, but also to prepare today’s current generation to accept the fact these entities exsist and their arrival to when they do come in their natural form and deceive the masses to worship the Antichrist and receive his mark, people will have already been conditioned to accept and believe in aliens. Hollywood doesn’t make all those alien movies without knowing the truth of whats coming soon! However these aliens will not be what they are going to tell the world = Fallen Angels, instead they will declare themselves to be inhabitants from distant planets. I firmly believe these “aliens” will tell and convince the masses by using lying signs and wonders (See, 2nd Thessalonians 2:9-12) that the Antichrist is the “True God” and that the God of the Bible was always a myth, therefore they will help in rising this man of sin to power and help in causing a ban of Bibles and the persecution of Christians and those who don’t accept this new world leader and his order.
The Vatican, where the False Prophet/2nd beast will come out of has alot to do with this alien agenda as well. The Vatican owns one of the most powerful telescopes in the world which is situated in Arizona called The Large Binocular Telescope”, attached to this telescope is an infared camera called “Lucifer”, for the purpose of looking into deep space = Tracking the Fallen ones. Not to mention that in 2014 Pope Francis subliminally stated that he would baptize a martian. I recommend you watch the documentaries “Exo-Vaticana” and “Age of Deciet”.

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