RT News - February 20th 2023

1 year ago

Belgord, Novaya Tavolzhanka, Russia: A 12 year old girl who was playing outside was killed as Ukraine forces shelled the town with nine artillery rounds. (QS: NATO wants to send longer ranger missiles for Kiev?) Residential property was also damaged.

Donbass, Artyomovsk advance: Heavy fighting has led to the capture of a key railway station by Wagner Group and Russian forces. Vehicles such as ambulances are used to drop Kiev soldiers by way of "safety disguise" but it doesn't help when they unload on the battlefield. The railway station and the whole Artyomovsk region is very strategically important as it's capture cuts off the supply routes for the Kiev forces, especially weaponry (if it can't get to the front lines, it can't kill Russians) RT reports from the Donbass front lines, as Russian forces break through Ukrainian defences in and around the key city of Artyomovsk.

Ukraine, "Euro Maidan" : 20th February 2014 was the most deadly day of the Maidan protests which turned into riots. Nine years since the bloodiest day of Kiev's Maidan protests, RT takes a closer look at what has become of this controversial turning point in Ukraine's history. (also see links below). Marina Kosareva presents. What happened to critical evidence?
(QS: NB - it's important to know that Maidan didn't "just happen" and that funding from the west since at least 2008, to groom and grow a nationalist, fascist movement, has led to the conflict in Ukraine now)
(**warning, some sensitive images in next section**)
Murad Gazdiev presents how the nationalists became entrenched in Ukraine government, to propagate and take over parts of Ukraine's officialdom and the lives of some Ukrainians. "Ukraine and Ukrainians have always been used as a tool". Murad brings us up to date with the current state of funding and encouragement from NATO countries and their allies "to kill everything Russian", the creation of Al-Qaeda and "Islamic State" which had very, very little to do with Islam and all to do with money and the tools of terrorism (Related off topic - QS: Baghdadi died after committing suicide in October 2019, as his operations were out of western control for years and the west decided to take him out in Idlib, Syria. It's said he died a multi-$billionaire and his "movement" had very, very well paid, well armed mercenaries. Most of the money came from oil sales which are now in the hands of USA as it occupies the region in Syria. https://abcnews.go.com/International/isis-makes-million-day-selling-oil-analysts/story?id=24814359 Recall Pres Trump "we will keep the oil" on the 27th October 2019, the same day as Baghdadi topped himself with one of the suicide belts used by his terrorist army "in the name of jihad"). It isn't hard to piece together, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria and the millions of lives which have been lost due to the funding of movements by the west and the legacy - well that's all history. Sorry to ramble but it needs to be said - all of this is documented well within the countries that have had it's people used as tools of the west. This is not new and is not "Russian propaganda" - however very little of the history and facts makes it to MSM "approved media" in the "liberal democracies"). It's documented that ISIS (or the alphabet soup of terrorist names) shipped into Ukraine as mercenaries in 2013 in numbers, and before.
Africa, Burkina Faso: the deadline for French forces to leave the country has arrived, it's thought the last French soldier left yesterday 19th Feb. For years civilians have been protesting about their presence and some say they have been actively aiding and abetting terrorist movements Ouezen Louis Oulon reports. Burkina Faso seeks re-joining of African Union (the "AU"). It seems as if some French bilateral trade may continue.
Hundreds of protesters march in Washington in a rally called "rage against the war machine," as they express outrage over US involvement in the Ukraine conflict. Videos on twitter (can't find them on Rumble yet) https://twitter.com/search?q=rage%20against%20the%20war%20machine&src=typed_query&f=video
Oliver Stone's award winning account of Maidan - documentary - "Ukraine on Fire" https://vimeo.com/692650726 (NB you may have to make a free account to watch this, it's the only good copy I can find but it's worth it)
Pier reviewed account of Maidan, previously posted (lengthy thread on twitter with links to documents, videos etc https://twitter.com/I_Katchanovski/status/1611196287122116609 )
Donald Courter's excellent and historically accurate documentary "8 years before" https://rumble.com/v1ryf8k-8-years-before-donbass-documentary.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=3

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