Nourished - Nutritional Wisdom For A Healthy Pregnancy | Mini Documentary

2 years ago

Could the key to fertility and healthy pregnancies be hidden in our past?

One of the biggest questions facing women today is“what foods should I eat for a healthy pregnancy?”

And despite following mainstream advice and ‘doing all the right things’, many women still struggle with the emotional, physical and financial turmoil of infertility and challenging pregnancies.

In Nourished, we meet the mothers and medical specialists who have gone against the grain, and returned to the traditional animal foods that have always been known to support mother and child.

Because before prenatal vitamins, these foods were valued for their ability to support conception and the creation of healthy, beautiful babies:

“Without knowing the names of the vitamins contained in these foods, isolated traditional societies recognized their importance in the diet and liberally ate animal products containing them. They rightly believed such foods to be necessary for fertility and the optimum development of children.” - Sally Fallon, Nourishing Traditions

With 1 in 5 couples unable to conceive, and many women struggling to achieve a healthy pregnancy, we all know someone touched by this issue.

Please share this film with them in the hope it helps them experience the joys of healthy parenthood.

Shop the most nutrient rich supplements on the planet:

For our recommended prenatal stack click here:

Directed By: Cade Prior
Executive Producers: Dean Brennan, Josh White, Dr. Paul Saladino
Producer: Noël Ostrosky
Animations: Miguel Plascencia
Graphic Design: Amy Renee Miller
Cinematography: Cade Prior
Edited By: Cade Prior

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